Konferenzen  >  Physik  >  Quantenmechanik und Quantentechnologie  >  Polen

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22. Jun 2026 - 26. Jun 2026 • Poznań, Polen
Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism is a traditional gathering of leading researchers who are active in the field of magnetism with an emphasis on solid-state phenomena. Many distinguished lecturers from all over the world took part in previous editions of this Conference. Our meeting will enable direct contact between scientists from leading research groups all over the world. During this meeting, we will have plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, and poster sessions. Additionally, we will organize a special session for "Young and Brilliant" scientists, which is dedicated to students, Ph.D. students, and recent Ph.D. graduates. All scientific activities aim to create a platform for discussion of discoveries and innovative ideas in the field of magnetism, which will support the development of new technologies in the future.
Strongly Correlated Electrons, Quantum and Classical Spin Systems, Magnetic Structures and Dynamics, Spin Electronics and Magneto-Transport, Nanostructures, Surfaces and Interfaces, Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials,
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