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QPL 2024 — 21st International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic
15 Jul 2024 - 19 Jul 2024 • Buenos Aires, Argentina
The 21st International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2024) will take place from July 15th to 19th, 2024, at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Computación in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Quantum Physics and Logic is an annual conference that brings together academic and industry researchers working on the mathematical foundations of quantum computation, quantum physics, and related areas. The main focus is on the use of algebraic and categorical structures, formal languages, type systems, semantic methods, as well as other mathematical and computer scientific techniques applicable to the study of physical systems, physical processes, and their composition. Work applying quantum-inspired techniques and structures to other fields, such as linguistics, artificial intelligence, and causality, is also welcome.
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 28 November 2023