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EUROENGEO 2024 — 4th European Regional Conference of IAEG – Engineering Geology and Geotechnics: Building for the Future
08 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024 • Dubrovnik, Croatia
International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment
Based on the theme of „Engineering Geology and Geotechnics: Building for the Future“ the conference will focus on the latest research and innovation in engineering geology and geotechnics, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for sustainable infrastructure development. The main aim is to bring together professionals from the fields of engineering geology and geotechnics to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and present innovative solutions to complex engineering problems that meets the needs of present and future generations. By doing so, the conference will contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructure that can withstand the challenges of the future, such as climate change, population growth, and urbanization.
Abstract submission deadline:
24 Jul 2024
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 26 June 2024