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PSY-DIA — Psychiatric Diagnosis – Empirical and Philosophical Perspectives
21 Feb 2025 • Online, Poland
Christoph Merdes, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Jagiellonian University; Natalia Filar, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Psychiatric and psychological diagnosis is an increasingly frequent component of social life and a subject of analysis in social sciences and philosophy. The role of diagnosis in the scientific as well as therapeutic discourse requires a consideration of its practices as well as its theoretical foundations, combining empirical, analytical and normative approaches. This workshop aims to create an interdisciplinary scientific discussion in which the various facets of diagnosis form the leading motif. We invite social scientists, especially anthropologists and sociologists focusing on field research and critical discourse analysis, and philosophers, examining the foundations of psychiatric diagnosis with ethical and epistemological normative frameworks. A particularly relevant philosophical framework presents itself in the theory of hermeneutical injustice. This approach analyzes harm stemming from deficient interpretive resources, a category arguably applicable to psychiatric diagnosis. This closely relates to the fact that diagnosis can also be a process in which new empirical and identity qualities are conceptualized. The process is embedded in institutional, economic, and social conditions, the influence of which has a direct impact on an individual's experiences.
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