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Higher structures, Moduli Spaces and Integrability
31. Mär 2025 - 02. Apr 2025 • Hamburg, Deutschland
University of Hamburg
The goal of this conference is to present a panorama of research directions in mathematics and mathematical physics related to the scientific program of our CRC 1624 „Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability". The CRC 1624 has started in the spring of 2024. It aims to stimulate interactions between highly active topics in mathematics such as higher structures and their applications in TQFT and CFT, the geometry of moduli spaces with their applications in SUSY QFT and string theory like the swampland program, and integrability with its multitude of applications in quantum field theory and string theory. As most of the early career researchers participating in the CRC have arrived by now, we regard the first anniversary of the start of the CRC as a good time for having an opening conference. With this conference we aim to stimulate new interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics by bringing together leading representatives of these research directions.
Connecting algebra and geometry to quantum field theory and string theory
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
ESO-Gruber summer school: From nearby worlds to distant galaxies
02. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Garching, Deutschland
European Southern Observatory
Are you interested in learning about how to use ground- and space-based telescope data? Are you interested in learning about a broad range of topics in astronomy? Then this summer school is the perfect opportunity for you! The ESO-Gruber summer school will provide lectures on topics of Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, and high-redshift universe. The lectures will be focused on the most interesting questions currently under debate in each topic. There will also be plenty of time for hands-on experience with archival data from the current most powerful telescopes in the world; ALMA, VLA, JWST, VLT, and VLTI. The hands-on session for each telescope will have exercises on various topics covered by the school so that you can learn to use the data in a way that is most relevant to your interest.
Email: ESO-Gruber-School@eso.org
Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, high-redshift universe
Bad Honnef Physics School — A New Era in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observation and Characterisation
20. Jul 2025 - 25. Jul 2025 • Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Deutschland
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation

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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025