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ICRAA'4 — International Conference on Radiations And Applications
13. Apr 2025 - 15. Apr 2025 • Alger, Algerien
The fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications (ICRAA'4) is jointly organized by the Faculty of Physics of University of Sciences and Technologies Houari-Boumediene (USTHB) and the Algerian Atomic Energy Commission (COMENA)
After the success of the previous editions (2017, 2019 and 2022) of the International Conference on Radiation and Applications (ICRAA), here we are again for the fourth edition (ICRAA’4), with a great ambition and more challenges. The main goal of ICRAA’4 is to exchange and share the latest research findings in all aspects of radiation physics with their peers from around the world and foster new connections that strengthen research and development activities. Hence, ICRAA'4 will be a great opportunity for the participants to have different issues addressed on radiation physics by recognized experts who are up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
Tel.: [+213 5 51774555];     Email: contact@icraa-dz.com
Radiation, Nuclear Techniques, Detection, Radiological Physics, Medical Physics, Nuclear Reactor, Radiation in Industry, Radiation in Environment
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