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BFTA 2025 — 7th School on Belief Functions and Their Applications
19. Okt 2025 - 23. Okt 2025 • Granada, Spanien
Belief Functions and Applications Society (BFAS)
The BELIEF school is a biennial event organized by the Belief Functions and Applications Society (BFAS) that offers a unique opportunity for students and researchers to learn about fundamental and advanced aspects of the theory of belief functions (also referred to as Dempster-Shafer theory, or evidence theory), a formalism for reasoning with uncertainty. The school will be organized around a set of lectures by prominent researchers. Lectures will gradually tackle basic to more advanced theoretical concepts. They will also highlight the links with other uncertainty theories such as random sets and possibility theory, and present applications of belief functions in various domains including machine learning, information fusion, statistical inference and materials science.

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Stand vom 16. Februar 2025