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AIM workshop: Integro-differential Equations In Many-Particle Interacting Systems
14. Apr 2025 - 18. Apr 2025 • Pasadena, California, Vereinigte Staaten
American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California (AIM)
This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, will be devoted to exploring the theory of some nonlinear partial differential equations that appear as fundamental models in statistical mechanics and mathematical physics. Early investigations by Bernoulli, Maxwell and Boltzmann (∼1860) established the foundation of kinetic theory, and resulted in formulating the general equation of continuity, now known as the Boltzmann equation. The mathematical analysis of Boltzmann-type equations has led to decades of significant works, from Carleman in the 1930’s and up to the end of the past century with works by Cercignani, Di Perna, Lions, and many more. Research activity in the field has intesified in recent years, with the last two decades yielding numerous new results in regularity estimates, long time asymptotics, and global well-posedness. A particularly relevant line of research in this field is the study of diffusive integro-differential equations, which in addition to their role in statistical physics, has applications ranging from fluid mechanics to stochastic control and image processing. This workshops will bring together mathematicians working at the forefront of these two lines of research with junior researchers to focus on advancing specific open problems.
Two phase free boundary problems for diffusive integro-differential equations. Hypo-elliptic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Regularity theory for kinetic equations of Boltzmann and Landau type. Blow-down mechanism for Lenard-Balescu and other collision operators in plasma. Free boundary problems in chemotaxis.
GLaMP 2025 — Great Lakes Mathematical Physics Meeting 2025
06. Jun 2025 - 08. Jun 2025 • University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Vereinigte Staaten
GLaMP was started in 2016, with the goal to establish a conference series focused on Mathematical Physics in the broad sense and to provide a venue for young researchers in this field to present their work, to meet each other and to learn about various areas of Mathematical Physics outside their specific disciplines.
Summer School — Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory 2025
09. Jun 2025 - 13. Jun 2025 • University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, Vereinigte Staaten
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst will host its fourth annual summer school on Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory during the week of June 9 - 13, 2025. The aim of the workshop is to introduce young researchers on the boundary between mathematics and physics to recent ideas in classical and quantum field theory using notions from complex geometry and algebraic topology. This year there is a focus on 4d gauge theories and their relationship with representation theory, algebraic geometry, and topology. The target audience of the workshop is advanced graduate students and post-docs, from both mathematics and theoretical physics. The schedule will be designed to include a large amount of time for participants to interact. We hope especially to encourage conversations between mathematicians and physicists.
8th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals
16. Jun 2025 - 20. Jun 2025 • Ithaca, NY, Vereinigte Staaten
Cornell University
The purpose of this conference, held every three years, is to bring together mathematicians working in analysis and probability on fractals with students and researchers from related fields.
Summer School — Principled Scientific Discovery with Formal Methods
07. Jul 2025 - 18. Jul 2025 • Yorktown, Vereinigte Staaten
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
The summer school aims to expose participants to formal methods that can facilitate principled scientific discovery. The school will cover some of the basic automated statistical inference (in the form of machine learning techniques) and reasoning methods that are commonly used in scientific discovery, as well as novel techniques developed to tackle open questions and issues. This summer school will address novel computational methods for scientific discovery and focus on fusing axiomatic knowledge and experimental data to enable principled derivations of models of natural phenomena along with certificates of the consistency of these models with background knowledge specified as axioms.
Connections Workshop: Kinetic Theory & Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
21. Aug 2025 - 22. Aug 2025 • Berkeley CA, Vereinigte Staaten
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
The Connections workshop will bring together leading experts working at the intersection of kinetic theory and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). Kinetic theory is a body of theory for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The phase-space formulation provides the flexibility of characterizing dynamics emerging from a wide range of applications, ranging from rarified gas, to plasma, to photons, to bacteria. Complementing this, SPDEs provide powerful tools for modeling systems influenced by random fluctuations and noise, essential for capturing the inherent uncertainties in complex processes. This workshop will delve into how these cutting-edge mathematical techniques can be integrated to analyze and predict the behavior of systems ranging from fluid dynamics to financial models.
Introductory Workshop: Kinetic theory & Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
25. Aug 2025 - 29. Aug 2025 • Berkeley CA, Vereinigte Staaten
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
The goal of the workshop is to introduce non-experts to two active research areas: kinetic theory and stochastic partial differential equations. Kinetic theory studies the properties of interacting particle systems modeling various processes in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Stochastic partial differential equations describe dynamics subjected to random noises. The methods from the two areas complement each other in studies of the phenomena arising in physics, economics, life sciences, etc.
Kinetic theory: Novel statistical, stochastic and analytical method
20. Okt 2025 - 24. Okt 2025 • Berkeley CA, Vereinigte Staaten
This workshop will explore the latest advances in kinetic theory and stochastic particle dynamics in mean field regimes, covering both classical themes and emerging areas. Topics will include the derivation of kinetic type equations from particle and plasma systems, state-of-the-art numerical methods, studies of multiscale phenomena, and the applications of kinetic equations in physics, chemistry, computer sciences appearing in life sciences, social sciences, and machine learning. This workshop will offer an exciting opportunity to connect researchers from all stages and sub-areas and spark new ideas.

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Stand vom 22. Februar 2025