Conférences  >  Physique  >  Astronomie, astrophysique et cosmologie

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The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Cosmology
06 oct 2024 - 31 oct 2024 • Benasque , Espagne
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Identifiant de l'évènement:
International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology
21 oct 2024 - 25 oct 2024 • Kyoto, Japon
COSMO'24 will take place for October 21-25, 2024 in Kyoto, Japan. It will bring together a wide range of cosmologists and particle physicists to discuss current ideas on particle physics and cosmology.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity
21 oct 2024 - 25 oct 2024 • Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japon
This workshop will be held in collaboration between OIST and the MEXT-KAKENHI-Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) funded “Extreme Universe (ExU)” consortium.
Theoretical physics is often divided into different fields such as particle physics, condensed matter theory, and gravity, depending on the length scale of the logical targets. However, by introducing ideas from quantum information science into the physics of quantum many-body systems, and via their deep connections to quantum gravity, it is becoming clear that what underlies many of these theories is actually the same. This workshop aims to explore the quantum information theoretic connections between these various fields. In particular, we will focus on connections among quantum information, quantum gravity, and both theoretical and experimental quantum matter.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
African Capacity Building Workshop on Space Weather and Ionospheric Research
22 oct 2024 - 31 oct 2024 • ICTP, Trieste, Italie
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
Identifiant de l'évènement:
The 11th KIAS Workshop on Cosmology and Structure Formation
27 oct 2024 - 02 nov 2024 • Gyeongju, Corée du Sud
Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
During the past few decades rapid progress has been achieved in deepening our understanding of the origin, history and physical processes in the universe, and our place within it. This progress was made possible by pushing the frontiers of theoretical modeling, numerical simulations, astrophysical observations and data analysis methods, and the synergetic relations between them. This workshop, the 11th in a series of biennial meetings and marking 20 years since the first one, will bring together experts in Cosmology and Structure formation to share their new results, highlight new pathways of research, and build collaborations. It will serve as an opportunity for participants to get a comprehensive view of the most recent advances and open questions in the field.
Organizing Committee;     Email.:
Theoretical cosmology, Numerical simulations of large scale structure and galaxies, Epoch of reionization, Large scale structure and galaxy environments, Observations of Galaxy and Galaxy clusters, Properties of Galaxies and their haloes, Analysis of cosmological and astrophysical data, and machine learning
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ESWW 2024 — Adverse Space Weather - the case of high energy Solar Energetic Particle events
04 nov 2024 - 08 nov 2024 • Coimbra, Portugal
The ESWW is the main annual event in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. It is an international meeting organised annually within the European Region in collaboration with prominent members of the European space weather and Space Climate community. It began as a forum for the European Space Weather community and has since grown into an international event with global attendance.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
20 jui 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
AAVSO 113th Annual Meeting
08 nov 2024 - 10 nov 2024 • Huntsville, Alabama, États-Unis
American Association of Variable Star Observers
The Annual Meeting of the AAVSO comprises a reception, Landolt Lecture, keynote speakers, research presentations, poster papers, and a public Membership Meeting. The conference closes with a banquet on Sunday evening. Keynotes include “NASA’s Space Launch System: Big Science on the Big Rocket,” presented by Dr. John Blevins (NASA); “The Precision Frontier of Dark Matter Constraints from Direct Acceleration Measurements,” presented by Dr. Sukanya Chakrabarti (University of Alabama); and “T CrB: Brightest Nova in Generations,” presented by Dr. Brad Schaefer (Louisiana State University). Presentations and the Membership Meeting will be simulcast live on Zoom.
Tél.: [+1 (617) 354-0484];     Email.:
variable stars, stellar astronomy, observing, astrophysics, exoplanets, imaging, citizen science, dark matter, education & outreach, membership meeting
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ASSPECTRO2024 — International Meeting on Data for Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas: Advances in Standards and Modelling
12 nov 2024 - 15 nov 2024 • Palić, Serbie
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Efficiency of theoretical analysis, synthesis and modeling of various environments, depends on atomic data and their sources. In particular, for the modeling of stellar atmospheres and opacity calculations a large number of atomic data is needed, since we do not know a priori the chemical composition of a stellar atmosphere. The same holds for Earth observations. Consequently, the development of databases with atomic data as well as astro-geoinformatics is important. This meeting will bring together physicists, astro & geophysicists from Serbia and elsewhere to review the present stage of research in this field.
Local Organizing Committee;     Email.:
Modeling the Atmosphere of planets and stars, Big data in Astronomy and Earth Observations, Radiative & Collisional Processes, Stellar and laboratory plasmas.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
BIRS Workshop — Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy: From Mathematical Modelling to Machine Learning
17 nov 2024 - 22 nov 2024 • Banff, Alberta, Canada
Banff International Research Station (BIRS) for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CEP 2024 RR LYR — The RR Lyrae and Cepheid meeting 2024
23 nov 2024 - 30 nov 2024 • MARRAKECH, Maroc
Cadi Ayyad University (UCA), Marrakech 40000, Morocco .
Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars have played a historic role in the development of astronomy in a general sense. At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous period-luminosity relation played a fundamental role in the discovery of galaxies and the expansion of the universe. The study of the properties of Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars, which is highly interesting, allows us to understand the evolutionary structure of these classes of variable stars. On the other hand, it contributes significantly to the theory of stellar evolution.
Tél.: [+212718287398];     Email.:
#variable_stars #Classical_pulsators #Spectroscopy #interferometry #Nonradial_modes #Cepheid’s #RR_Lyrae_stars #The_Blazhko_effect #Classical_pulsators #binary_systems #Period-Luminosity-Color
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Fundamental Physics meets Current and Future Facilities in Cosmology
02 dec 2024 - 13 dec 2024 • São Paulo, Brésil
South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
25 Years of Science with Chandra
03 dec 2024 - 06 dec 2024 • Boston, États-Unis
Organized by the Chandra X-ray Center
The symposium will highlight twenty-five years of incredible science enabled by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, celebrating the discoveries made by Chandra, the unique capabilities of the mission, and the potential discoveries still remaining. Topics and themes will emphasize high resolution imaging and spectroscopy, synergies with other observatories, and the legacy of the Chandra archive, covering theoretical and observational perspectives. Topics and themes will emphasize high resolution imaging and spectroscopy, observations and theory, including related data from other observatories.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
05 sep 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
COTB — Essential Cosmology for the next generation: Cosmology on the Beach
05 dec 2024 - 08 dec 2024 • Playa del Carmen, Mexique
Instituto Avanzado de Cosmologia (IAC) and Carnegie Mellon University
We are delighted to announce the 9th edition of “Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation,” informally known as Cosmology on the Beach. Organized by the Instituto Avanzado de Cosmologia (IAC) of Mexico and Carnegie Mellon University, this event will take place in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, from December 5th to 8th, 2024, just before the DESI collaboration meeting in Cancun, only an hour away. This unique event blends a winter school with a research conference, featuring review talks, "hot topic" presentations, as well as contributed and poster sessions. Over four days, participants will benefit from lectures on trending topics in cosmology delivered by renowned scholars, plenary talks by leading researchers, and presentations from many early career scientists.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ESI Workshop — Lensing and Wave Optics in Strong Gravity
09 dec 2024 - 13 dec 2024 • Vienna, Autriche
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
Gravitational lensing represents a characteristic feature of astrophysical systems in strong gravitational fields, such as the supermassive black holes recently observed by the Event Horizon Telescope. On the other hand, strong gravitational fields are also being probed by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations of gravitational waves. With the rapidly increasing number of observed gravitational waves, it is expected that a small portion of these events will be gravitationally lensed. This workshop aims to bring together members of the astrophysical community working on lensing and wave effects in strong gravitational fields and to discuss physics relevant for both the Event Horizon Telescope and LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations. We plan to discuss the current open problems and perspectives in the field, facilitate the transfer of techniques between the much more mature field of lensing of electromagnetic waves towards novel studies in the lensing of gravitational waves, as well as to see how wave effects beyond the standard lensing approaches could be incorporated.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
NuDM-2024 — International Conference on Neutrinos and Dark Matter
11 dec 2024 - 14 dec 2024 • Giza, Égypte
Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services
The NuDM-2024 Conference organized by Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services from the UK in collaboration with Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt, follows in the footsteps of NDM-2020 and NuDM-2022. Its primary objective is to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions surrounding particle physics phenomenology, astrophysical signatures, and experimental constraints pertaining to neutrinos, dark matter, and dark energy, alongside exploring potential connections between them.
Tél.: [+44 756 3250 142];     Email.:
Models of Neutrinos masses and mixing Neutrino Physics and cosmology BSM and Heavy/Sterile neutrinos Neutrino oscillation experiments Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments New ideas on lepton number conservation WIMP phenomenology Freeze-in Dark matter Dark matter and its detections Dark matter searches at the LHC Dark matter and Modefied Gravity Neutrinos and Dark Energy Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Identifiant de l'évènement:
245th AAS Meeting — 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
12 jan 2025 - 16 jan 2025 • National Harbor, MD , États-Unis
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Cosmology on the steep rise
03 fév 2025 - 07 fév 2025 • Sesto, Bolzano, Italie
Sexten Center for Astrophysics Riccardo Giacconi (, Sesto, Bolzano, Italy
The extraordinary amount of high-quality data will open new directions for cosmology in the next few years. The increasing precision of CMB and LSS data will provide answers to current tensions and will shed light on the connections between cosmology and particle physics either behind or beyond the phenomenological success of the LambdaCDM model. At the same time, new observations at high redshifts from Lyman alpha forest and JWST and the rapid progress in gravitational-wave astronomy call for accurate theoretical predictions for new cosmological observables.

In 2024 we expect new data releases from experiments such as DESI, ACT, SPT, and new results from Euclid and JWST: the timing of this workshop is therefore very exciting. The aim of this workshop will be to discuss these latest measurements, new methodologies of data analysis, and novel theoretical developments in cosmology. The workshop format foresees invited talks, contributed talks, discussion sessions and aims in bringing together theoretical and observational cosmologists from all over the world, and providing a lively environment for a fruitful exchange of ideas on the most recent results from ACT, SPT, BICEP, DESI, Euclid, JWST, PTA and perspectives for Simons Observatory, LiteBIRD, S4, Sphere-X, Rubin-LSST and other future experiments.

Identifiant de l'évènement:
Bad Honnef Physics School — Searching for Quantum Gravity in the Sky
16 fév 2025 - 21 fév 2025 • Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Allemagne
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation
The goal of this physics school is to offer master and Ph.D. students from the field of experimental and theoretical physics as well as mathematics and philosophy, a coherent introduction to the subject of quantum gravity phenomenology from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. The participants should be interested in, or already work on, the search for quantum gravity from the theoretical or experimental side, and be motivated to learn from both sides to be able to get a more complete overview over the research field.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
The Business of Space Conference 2025
23 fév 2025 - 25 fév 2025 • Huntsville, États-Unis
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) College of Business
Engage with top academics, business leaders, innovators and policy influencers working on the new space economy. Immerse yourself in keynote presentations and discussions designed to foster collaboration between researchers and space economy industry stakeholders. Gain exclusive insights into the new space economy and shape future academic and policy research in the space sector. The theme of the conference is "Creating Solutions with Partnerships: Opportunities and Barriers."
space economy, space, economy, policy research, policy influencers, business, economics, space research, accounting, space accounting, strategic management, supply chain management, finance, information systems, marketing, space commerce, commerce, astronomy, economic analysis, space industry, space junk, space debris
Identifiant de l'évènement:
School — Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2025
24 fév 2025 - 07 mar 2025 • Firenze , Italie
Galileo Galilei Institute For Theoretical Physics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
School — Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation – 2025
17 mar 2025 - 28 mar 2025 • Firenze , Italie
Galileo Galilei Institute For Theoretical Physics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Generalized Symmetries: High-Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematics
07 avr 2025 - 10 avr 2025 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Over the past ten years tremendous progress has been achieved in quantum field theory thanks to the realization that symmetries can be interpreted in terms of the action of topological defects on the space of operators. This gives a generalization of the notion of symmetries, explicitly realized in many instances exploiting Lagrangian field theory techniques, uncovering a rich and unexpected landscape of physical effects in condensed matter, high energy physics, and quantum gravity. This conference will bring together the major experts in the subject, and strives to be an opportunity for participants to quickly get up to speed with the most recent advances and open problems in the field.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
My Favourite Dark Matter Model
14 avr 2025 - 17 avr 2025 • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
University of the Azores
Dark matter is a long outstanding problem in modern astrophysics and one of the biggest mysteries physicists are currently struggling to understand. Its presence throughout the Universe is inferred by its gravitational effects on normal matter. Physicists have taken different paths to approach this problem. One of the leading lines of research is to look for new matter in the form of yet unknown particles. However, a promising avenue of research is to consider modifications of General Relativity, such as the presence of higher order curvature terms which seems to provide us with an elegant geometric interpretation of the dark matter problem. This workshop has the goal of bringing together researchers, both from theory and experiment, with different views on the dark matter issue, to be presented during the talks and discussed throughout the breaks. Hopefully we may all learn from each other and foster new ideas into understanding the perplexing nature of the dynamics of the Universe and of gravity itself.
Dark Matter, Gravitation, Cosmology, Particles, Particle Physics, Observations
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Planets on the Edge
05 mai 2025 - 08 mai 2025 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Kepler and TESS missions, as well as ground-based telescopes, have discovered thousands of planets on short-period orbits around other stars, including many that are Earth-size and likely to be rocky. These objects have no direct counterparts in the Solar System, and the corresponding inner regions within the protoplanetary disks that spawned them are challenging to study. This conference will confront this challenge and advance our understanding of the nature, formation and evolution of Earth-sized planets in inner protoplanetary disks by bringing together diverse experts in exoplanet demographics, protoplanetary disks, models of disks and planet formation, and meteoritics to address four key questions: (1) what is the nature of close-in rocky planets and their atmospheres? (2) do they form in situ or migrate inwards after forming further out? (3) what are the governing parameters that could vary between star systems? and (4) why are there no analogous planets around the Sun? The conference will complement and energize the associated KITP Program by including a broader range of participants and highlighting recent observational results. The goals of the conference are to synthesize current knowledge of the properties of planets and inner disks, describe the state of the art in models of planet formation and evolution, catalyze interactions between different fields, and chart a path forward for advances in observations, theory, and computational modeling.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
From Asymtptotic Symmetries to Flat Holography: Theoretical Aspects and Observable Consequences
19 mai 2025 - 20 jui 2025 • Firenze , Italie
Galileo Galilei Institute
Gravity and gauge theories share a rich infrared physics whose universal features manifest themselves in the context of asymptotic symmetries and their Noether charges. They clarify the soft factorization properties of scattering amplitudes, they play a role in the phenomenology of gravitational waves, and enter in the identification of new observable effects including gravitational and color memories. From the perspective of quantum gravity, they introduce new tools to understand the structure of the Hilbert space, and bring about a novel and promising approach to investigate a holographic principle for asymptotically flat spacetimes, currently pursued along two related lines: celestial and Carrollian holography. The latter exploits the Carroll structure at null infinity while the former takes advantage of powerful toolkit of conformal field theory. The vast majority of these developments have taken place in the last ten years and gave rise to research lines currently undergoing a fast growth. The proposed workshop aims at exploiting this rich and timely topic to bring together experts from all over the world, together with young researchers and students, with the goal to provide training, share results, build common grounds and foster new collaborations.
Asymptotic symmetries; Celestial holography; Carroll physics and geometry; Twistor methods; Gravitational observables; Memory effects; Conformal colliders
Identifiant de l'évènement:
246th AAS Meeting — 246th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
04 jui 2025 - 08 jui 2025 • Anchorage, AK, États-Unis
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
06 jul 2025 - 18 jul 2025 • Benasque , Espagne
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Graduate School ISAPP2025 — Gravitational Waves: From Theory to Detection
07 jul 2025 - 18 jul 2025 • Vienna, Autriche
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Bad Honnef Physics School — A New Era in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observation and Characterisation
20 jul 2025 - 25 jul 2025 • Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Allemagne
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Understanding cosmological observations
20 jul 2025 - 02 aou 2025 • Benasque , Espagne
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Identifiant de l'évènement:
The Third Penn State SETI Symposium
18 aou 2025 - 21 aou 2025 • State College, PA, États-Unis
Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center
This symposium will be a broad look at SETI, including new technosignature search results and upper limits, new search methodologies and instrumentation, theory, and social aspects of the field including the post-detection protocols, message construction, and the historical roots of the field. Interdisciplinarity will be emphasized. As with previous instances, we encourage the submission of proposals for breakout sessions for workshops, tutorials, or special sessions on narrower topics. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to attend.
The PSETI Center;     Email.:
SETI, astrobiology, technosignatures
Identifiant de l'évènement:
New Physics from Galaxy Clustering at GGI
25 aou 2025 - 03 nov 2025 • Firenze , Italie
Galileo Galilei Institute
This workshop aims at catalyzing the joint efforts of particle physicists and cosmologists towards the exploration of new physics with large cosmological datasets. The workshop is structured to encompass three thematic weeks dedicated to model building and testing fundamental physics in cosmology, developing novel theoretical tools to search for new physics in cosmological observables, and discussing the potential of next generation experiments to probe the plethora of new physics signals. A symposium with summary talks will conclude the workshop. A concurrent school is planned, with the aim of addressing the evolving landscape of this new field and helping participants catch up with recent developments and novel tools. An important feature of the workshop is a designated focus week, devoted to the initiation of a much-needed community white paper, summarizing the new and well-motivated particle physics models that can be tested in cosmology in the light of upcoming data and planned future experiments. The workshop nicely aligns with the expected data releases from DESI and Euclid.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
247th AAS Meeting — 247th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
04 jan 2026 - 08 jan 2026 • Phoenix, AZ, États-Unis
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
252nd AAS Meeting — 252nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society
11 jui 2028 - 15 jui 2028 • Madison, WI, États-Unis
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
255th AAS Meeting — 255th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
09 jan 2030 - 14 jan 2030 • National Harbor, MD, États-Unis
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
1566831 met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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Dernière mise à jour: 21 octobre 2024