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26th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry
18 Aug 2024 - 22 Aug 2024 • Beijing , China
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Since its inception in 1972, the ICPOC conferences have been the leading international gatherings on physical organic chemistry and its applications. Traditionally, physical organic chemistry relates molecular structure to chemical behavior, by means of the study of structure, reactivity, mechanism, and equilibrium in organic systems, aiming at the quantitative, molecular level understanding of their properties. While it is still the primary role of this core discipline, nowadays, physical organic chemistry has already evolved into a multidisciplinary field, extending into materials, energy, biology sciences and so on. This comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach plays a pivotal role in the development of chemical sciences, expanding their boundaries, and reflects on the vibrant and enlightening scientific discussions usually held in ICPOC meetings.
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