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18 Jul 2024 - 20 Jul 2024 • Hyderabad, India
This Expo an International Exhibition & Conference on Pharma- Healthcare- Technologies focuses on Future of Pharma & Healthcare Industries to be converting in a Pure Digital Renovating Worldwide.

All the professionals from across the globe will converge to share their knowledge, leading to the future assets. To create an international event which will be a focused and dedicated platform for professionals from major industries like Pharma, IT, Healthcare, & Start-ups to discuss, and share knowledge, expertise and experience.

The Expo & conference is expected to be attended by more than 500 delegates & 400 + Exhibitor across the Globe, including researchers, Healthcare & Pharma Technology authorities, and enforcement agencies, practitioners, policymakers, industry representatives, academicians and students working in the fields of life Science, Technology and Healthcare.

To discuss on potential solutions and researches that will highlight current science, management issues and new directions benefiting the industry in various regions.

Public sector, private industry and service providers are rapidly transforming with technology commotions and integrations. We understand and analyse the trends and collaborate with the government to provide a better service to Industry Stakeholders.

Technology upgradation in Pharma & Healthcare sectors through right tools and technologies is imperative. Our offerings bridge the gap for solution providers, regulators, Policymakers and educators, facilitating creation of the new world order in the Pharma & Healthcare Technical spectrum.

Pharma India Expo - the leading International Exhibition & Conference on Pharma- Healthcare- Technologies Industries- is the perfect place for the open to networking, exchange of knowledge, ideas and information. The industry meeting of the year offers an overview for the entire Industry Expert of all important findings and innovations in the industry

Discover the products, services and solutions from around 400+ exhibitors. Experience a compact, certified lecture program with over 200 contributions from more than 100 speakers and gain a lot of knowledge in a short time. Exchange ideas with colleagues and expand your network with new, valuable contacts, which takes place parallel to Pharma India Expo, health politicians and professional representatives set the course for the future of the industry.

PHARMA INDIA EXPO;     Phone: [08448193089];     Email:
pharma, pharmaceutical, expo, industry,
Event listing ID:
Related subject(s):
AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
21 Jul 2024 - 25 Jul 2024 • Chicago, IL, United States
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
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EuroBIC-17 — 17th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference
25 Aug 2024 - 29 Aug 2024 • Münster, Germany
University of Münster, Institut für Anorganische Analytische Chemie
Welcome to the 17th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC-17), which is held at The University of Münster (WWU) from August 25th to 29th 2024. The EuroBIC conference series provides a platform for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments at the interface of Inorganic Chemistry and Life Sciences. EuroBIC-17 will follow the highly successful previous meetings, the last four being held in Grenoble (2022), Reykjavik (2020, online conference), Birmingham (2018), and Budapest (2016). Twenty years after EuroBIC-7 had taken place in Garmisch‐Partenkirchen in 2004, we are pleased to host EuroBIC-17 in Germany again.
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EMBO Workshop hybrid meeting — Chemical biology 2024
09 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024 • Heidelberg, Germany
European Molecular Biology Organization – EMBO
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Related subject(s):
Cleaning Validation Summit 2024
01 Oct 2024 - 02 Oct 2024 • Prague, Czech Republic
Uventia Global
In order to avoid contamination of the product, robust cleaning procedures must be performed. Our online meeting facilitates peers’ reflection and discussion on approaches to establishing and revising CV programs to meet regulatory requirements, verifying CV protocols and preventing ineffective or incorrect approaches to cleaning validation programs, risk based cleaning validation, selecting the right equipment/cleaning procedure combinations, testing for API residues and calculating residue limits, considerations on combining cleaning and sanitization, finding and developing practical analytical methods and sampling procedures.
QRM, Cleaning Validation, Containment, Bioprocessing, Bioproduction, Aseptic, GMP, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance, QA, Risk Management
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Online Training Session — Molecule to Medicine
07 Oct 2024 - 11 Oct 2024 • Online Platform, Any Location (virtual event)
Scientific Update Ltd.
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ICBB2024 — 2024 the 14th International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (14th ICBB2024)
28 Oct 2024 - 31 Oct 2024 • Naples, China
Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, National Research Council of Italy (ICB-CNR)
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to participate in the 2024 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (14th ICBB, 2024) to be held in-person in Naples, Italy during October 28-30, 2024.
ICBB Secretariat;     Phone: [+86-37163290060];     Email:
Biomacromolecules, Biological macromolecules, Biomaterials, biopolymers and bioenergy, Biomedicine, biopharmaceuticals, pharmacology and toxicology, Agricultural & food biotechnology, bioengineering and biomedical engineering
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Dagstuhl-Seminar — Machine Learning for Protein-Protein and Protein-Ligand Interactions
03 Nov 2024 - 08 Nov 2024 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Over the past few decades, machine learning (ML) has helped advance progress in a wide range of problems in computational biology and biochemistry, particularly towards understanding the structure and function of proteins. Similarly, in cheminformatics, ML is increasingly influencing pharmaceutical decision making and enabling novel drug design strategies. However, an area of great importance that requires further advances, likely involving significant innovations, is the understanding, prediction, and design of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. This Dagstuhl Seminar aims to connect the protein-ML and cheminformatics-ML communities and foster their communication with key experts in biology and chemistry. This seminar will allow us to discuss both theoretical and application-oriented ML topics in the context of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions.
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The Global Annual Meet on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
10 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025 • Rome, Italy
Abstract submission deadline:
05 Feb 2025
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Faraday Discussion — Structural and functional asymmetry of plasma membranes
23 Apr 2025 - 25 Apr 2025 • London, United Kingdom
Royal Society of Chemistry
This Discussion meeting aims to provide a strong foundation for future advancements in this fundamental topic in cell biology. To this end the Discussion meeting will explore various facets of membrane asymmetry, bringing together experts from the realms of membrane physical chemistry, membrane biophysics, and membrane physiology. Bridging additionally experiments, simulations and theory will address the relevant time and length scales in plasma membrane mimicking systems and thus define a lively platform for intense scientific interactions.
Event listing ID:
1598379 offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 12 May 2024