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BIA25-01 — EMBO Practical Course Advanced methods in bioimage analysis
14. Sep 2025 - 19. Sep 2025 • Heidelberg, Deutschland
EMBL Heidelberg
Microscopy is a key methodology in life science research, where the reliability of scientific findings based on data generated on microscopes rely on substantiated qualitative and quantitative image data analysis. Due to the complexity of the data, without expert guidance, it is very likely that image analysis algorithms may be applied incorrectly, possibly even producing erroneous results. Moreover, the diversity of imaging modalities, analysis algorithms and software solutions is growing so rapidly that even experts are overwhelmed. This course aims to promote excellence in bioimage analysis, targeting scientists who already work in this area or harbor ambitions to do so – and will instruct on the latest developments in the field with ample group and networking activities with leading experts in the topic.
Julia Patricia Nohle;     Email: julia.nohle@embl.de

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