Konferenzen  >  Physik  >  Mathematische Physik  >  Frankreich

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Applications of NonCommutative Geometry to Gauge Theories, Field Theories, and Quantum Space-Time
07. Apr 2025 - 11. Apr 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), Frankreich
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The idea of making space noncommutative is probably as old as quantum mechanics, but it has developed considerably since the mid 80’s in various directions, from pure mathematics to theoretical physics, yielding some phenomenological predictions in high energy physics. The aim of this conference is the interplay between noncommutative geometry and physics.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Dispersive Integrable Equations: Pathfinders in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems
28. Apr 2025 - 02. Mai 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), Frankreich
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The conference, in advance of a thematic program planned for IHP in 2026, addresses the key role played by completely integrable systems as models for wave phenomena in myriad physical settings such as surface water waves and internal waves, quantum excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates, plasma oscillations, optical fiber telecommunication systems, and solid-state physics. The principal objectives of the CIRM conference are to focus specifically on soliton gases, explicit formulas, and asymptotic behavior in integrable models, and to highlight corresponding novel results and new progress on several previously impenetrable fronts.

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