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KrakSchool — 65. Jubilee Cracow School of Theoretical Physics
14. Jun 2025 - 21. Jun 2025 • Zakopane, Polen
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
The Cracow School of Theoretical Physics is organized yearly since 1961 in Zakopane, winter and summer resort town located in the High Tatra Mountains approximately 100 km south of a historical city of Krakow, a former capital of Poland. Typically the program consists of 10-15 plenary lectures, each two-three hours long and shorter one-hour contributions by invited speakers, and a number of 20 min. talks by young scientists. Lecture sessions are arranged in the mornings and in the evenings. Afternoons are left free for discussions. One day during the School is free and one can use this time for hiking in the High Tatra Mountains or for hanging around in the town of Zakopane. Participants are expected to be at the level of last year MSc, PhD and/or young post-docs working in the fields covered by the School. The School typically accommodates up to 70 participants.

This is an advanced School and it is assumed that all participants are involved in a research related to the main topics of the School.

Young scientists are encouraged to present a 20 min. talk at the young researchers session. If you want to give a talk please enter the details in the registration form.

Event Secretariat;     Tel.: [+48 12 664 4726, +48 12 664 4677];     Email: zakopane@th.ifj.edu.pl
Topics include: Latest results from the LHC and RHIC, Future high energy machines: EIC, FCC and others, Artificial intelligence, Perturbative and nonperturbative chromodynamics (QCD), Phase diagram of QCD: from neutron stars to heavy ion collisions, Particle spectroscopy including exotica, Weak interactions and precision physics, Beyond Standard Model.
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