Conférences  >  Physique  >  Physique atomique et moléculaire

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Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Monte Carlo Radiation Transport and Associated Data Needs for Medical Applications
28 oct 2024 - 08 nov 2024 • ICTP, Trieste, Italie
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy / IAEA
Identifiant de l'évènement:
New Perspectives in Many-body Physics with Quantum Optical Systems
29 oct 2024 - 01 nov 2024 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
There has been an explosion of new experimental platforms to explore and control the quantum interactions between atoms and light. These include dense atomic media either in the form of ordered arrays or disordered ensembles, to nanophotonic or nanophotonics-inspired interfaces, to quantum electrodynamical circuits coupled to superconducting qubits. These new platforms exhibit an additional complexity not found in conventional atom-light interfaces, arising from factors such as the ability to engineer the dispersion relation of light, the reduced system dimensionality, and/or non-perturbative multiple light scattering. This conference will gather a diverse set of researchers together in order to exchange state-of-the art developments and to discuss, identify and pose grand challenges and opportunities for the field in the near future. Experimentalists working in these fields are encouraged to participate and share their perspectives of future experimental capabilities of many-body quantum optical systems. Researchers in related fields (such as Rydberg atom arrays, ultracold molecules, superconducting qubits for quantum computing, etc.) who see opportunities in linking with quantum optics are also welcome to attend. This broad exchange should catalyze important themes for discussion and development in the field.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ASSPECTRO2024 — International Meeting on Data for Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas: Advances in Standards and Modelling
12 nov 2024 - 15 nov 2024 • Palić, Serbie
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Efficiency of theoretical analysis, synthesis and modeling of various environments, depends on atomic data and their sources. In particular, for the modeling of stellar atmospheres and opacity calculations a large number of atomic data is needed, since we do not know a priori the chemical composition of a stellar atmosphere. The same holds for Earth observations. Consequently, the development of databases with atomic data as well as astro-geoinformatics is important. This meeting will bring together physicists, astro & geophysicists from Serbia and elsewhere to review the present stage of research in this field.
Local Organizing Committee;     Email.:
Modeling the Atmosphere of planets and stars, Big data in Astronomy and Earth Observations, Radiative & Collisional Processes, Stellar and laboratory plasmas.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
EQTC 2024 — European Quantum Technologies Conference
18 nov 2024 - 20 nov 2024 • Lisbonne, Portugal
Every year, the Quantum Flagship gathers the major European research and innovation networks at the European Quantum Technology Conference (EQTC). As the largest quantum event of its kind, we celebrate breakthroughs, highlight the pioneering work of European organisations and connect the dots within the community. The event will feature all scientific and technology pillars of the Quantum Flagship and the European ecosystem as well as select global developments. As such, the EQTC is the go-to event for getting an inspiring and intense tour of the European ecosystem – and ensuring that you are far ahead of the curve. Come and get future-ready!
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
01 jul 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
SPW 2024 — 11th Single Photon Workshop 2024
18 nov 2024 - 22 nov 2024 • Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni
The Single Photon Workshop (SPW) is the largest conference in the world dedicated to single photon generation and detection technology and applications. The biennial international conference brings together a broad range of people across academia, industry and government bodies with interest in single photon sources, single photon detectors, photon entanglement, and their use in scientific and industrial applications. It is an exciting opportunity for those interested in these technologies to learn about the state of the art and to foster continuing partnerships with others seeking to advance the capabilities of such technologies.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Workshop — Atomic Physics 2024
25 nov 2024 - 29 nov 2024 • Dresden , Allemagne
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
02 mar 2025 - 07 mar 2025 • Berlin, Allemagne
The European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS) is a series of conferences on Plasma Spectrochemistry. The objective of the conference is to bring together plasma spectrochemists from all over the world in one European location to stimulate contacts and exchange knowledge and experiences. Plasma spectrochemistry involves analytical methods such as ICP-MS, GD-MS, ICP-AES, DCP-AES, MIP-AES, LIBS or LAMIS
Identifiant de l'évènement:
26th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
10 jui 2025 - 15 jui 2025 • Minneapolis, Minnesota, États-Unis
International Plasma Chemistry Society (IPCS)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
DAMOP 2025 — 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
16 jui 2025 - 20 jui 2025 • Portland, États-Unis
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
ICPEAC 2025 — 34th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions
29 jul 2025 - 05 aou 2025 • Sapporo, Japon
The XXXIIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions will be held in Sapporo, Japan, from July 29 to August 5, 2025. Sapporo is one of the largest cities in Japan, and located on the northern island of Hokkaido in Japan. The meeting will be held at the Sapporo Convention Center, and a set of tutorials on July 29, 2025, will be held at Hokkaido University. ICPEAC 2025 is expected to bring together more than 500 scientists from all over the world.
Photon impact at weak fields (synchrotron, FEL), Photon impact at strong fields (femto/attosecond physics) , Electronic collisions with atoms, molecules, and ions, Collisions between ions, atoms, and molecules, Antimatter and other exotic particle collisions, Field-assisted collisions , Ultracold atomic and molecular physics, Collisions involving surfaces and condensed matter, Related topics and experimental techniques
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
07 mar 2025
Identifiant de l'évènement:
quantumoptics11 — Quantum Optics XI
01 sep 2025 - 05 sep 2025 • Cracovie, Pologne
Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University
The Quantum Optics XI is the eleventh in in the series that is being organized every four years beginning in 1985. It will be held in Kraków (Poland) 1-5 Semtember 2025. Our primary objective is to host researchers represeding different areas of quantum optics.
Quantum Optics 11;     Email.:
ultracold Fermi and Bose gases, quantum simulators, spinor and dipolar gases, topological states of matter, precision measurements, foundations of quantum mechanics, high precision spectroscopy, atomic clocks, quantum communication, quantum thermodynamics, quantum computing
Identifiant de l'évènement:
1619790 met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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Dernière mise à jour: 19 septembre 2024