Conférences  >  Physique  >  Magnétisme, Spintronique

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820. WE-Heraeus-Seminar — Hybrid Angular Momentum Transport and Dynamics
27 oct 2024 - 31 oct 2024 • Bad Honnef, Allemagne
Skymag 2024 — Challenges for 2D and 3D topological Magnetic Textures & Opportunities for beyond CMOS devices
28 oct 2024 - 30 oct 2024 • Paris, France
The workshop will address the recent advances in the field of topological magnetic textures, and in particular the static and dynamic properties of skyrmions and antiskyrmions in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, the emergence of new skyrmionics materials, novel 2D and 3D topological structures as well as the applications of these magnetic textures.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Les Houches School on Frustrated Quantum Magnets — Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical Approaches to Frustrated Quantum Magnets
29 oct 2024 - 08 nov 2024 • Les Houches, France
The school will introduce general concepts in frustrated magnetism, and offer coherent and comprehensive series of lectures and tutorials involving experimentalists, theoreticians and numerical experts in the field.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
2024 International Workshop on Magnetic Crystallography
24 nov 2024 - 30 nov 2024 • Dongguan, Chine
Supported by the Commission of Magnetic Structures and Commission of Neutron Scattering of International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) and Chinese Crystallographic Society
This workshop aims to fostering the next generation of young scientists working on magnetic structure determination, and promoting the field of magnetic structure investigations, particularly in the Asiatic and Oceanic region. The workshop includes many lectures on FullProf, JANA, GSAS, and Bilbao Crystallography Server, and pertinent exercises based on these software, covering both methodologies of magnetic structure determination: the irreducible representation analysis and magnetic space group analysis. The official language of the workshop will be English. A series of senior scientists are invited as lecturers, including the developers of the aforementioned software.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
WE-Heraeus-Seminar — X-tronics with Emerging Magnetic Materials
06 jan 2025 - 09 jan 2025 • Bad Honnef, Allemagne
Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung
Elementary excitations and quasi-particles within condensed matter exhibit a diverse array of physical attributes, encompassing spin and orbital angular momenta, electric dipole moments, and their respective higher-order multipoles. Over recent decades, investigations into the generation, detection, manipulation, and transportation of these quantities have developed into the interdisciplinary field known as “X-tronics”, where ‘X’ embodies a degree of freedom or informational carrier inherent to quasi-particles, such as spin, orbital, phonon, magnon, or photon.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ISIM 2025 — 2025 International Symposium on Integrated Magnetics
12 jan 2025 - 13 jan 2025 • New Orleans, LA, États-Unis
There are great opportunities for integrated magnetics in IoT, 5G, smartphones, biomedical applications, which is facilitated by the recent progress in the research and development of integrated magnetic materials, devices, and microsystems. In 2023, we started the iSIM series to serve the fast-growing needs of the community by reaching out to IEEE Magnetics Society and other IEEE societies and industries. The technical scope of iSIM includes integrated magnetic materials, devices, and microsystems for: sensing, integrated circuits, power supply on chip (PwrSoP), power supply in package (PwrSiP), flexible magnetoelectronics, printed magnetoelectronics, eco-sustainable magnetoelectronics, etc.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
MMM-Intermag 2025 — 16th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference
13 jan 2025 - 17 jan 2025 • New Orleans, LA, États-Unis
IEEE-AIM2025 — 5th International Conference Advances in Magnetics
09 fév 2025 - 12 fév 2025 • Bressanone, Italie
AIM2025 is an IEEE Conference
AIM will be a forum for presentation and discussion of the most recent advancements in all the fields of Magnetism, involving theory, numerical modeling, experiments and applications. The event is open to experts and scientists with different backgrounds (engineers, physicists, mathematicians, material scientists, chemists, biologists, etc) to present, discuss, exchange ideas, methods and results.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
31 jul 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
SPIN Galapagos 2025 — International Workshop on Spintronics
25 mai 2025 - 30 mai 2025 • Galapagos Islands, Équateur
Between May 25th and May 30th, 2025, the third edition of the International Workshop on Spintronics will take place in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, gathering top of the line experts on spintronics and science and technology of magnetic materials. This Workshop is a continuation of the previous two editions, organized in Ollantaytambo (Peru, 2019) and Bariloche (Argentina, 2022), and covers a wide variety of cutting-edge research topics, such as spintronics, spin-orbitronics, nanomagnetism, etc. This meeting will take place within the beautiful and unique environment of the Galapagos Islands, surrounded by a blooming nature and the exotic fauna. Only a limited number of attendees are allowed to this meeting.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
QuSpin 2025 — Quantum Spintronics
04 jui 2025 - 06 jui 2025 • Trondheim, Norvège
SFF QuSpin, Center for Quantum Spintronics - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
COMPUMAG 2025 — The 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
22 jui 2025 - 26 jui 2025 • Naples, Italie
COMPUMAG 2025, the 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, will be held in Naples, Italy, from June 22 to 25, 2025. It is co-organized by 9 teams from the Italian community of Computational Electromagnetism. The conference venue is the Hotel Royal Continental, located in the heart of Naples. Since its creation in 1976, COMPUMAG has been one of the most important events in the field of computational electromagnetics for researchers all over the world to present their latest research advances, to share professional experiences, to exchange new ideas and to expand their professional networks.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ESM2025 — The European School on Magnetism 2025
30 jui 2025 - 11 jul 2025 • Liège, Belgique
European Magnetism Association
The European School on Magnetism (ESM) is a yearly event organized by the European Magnetism Association. The mission of ESM is higher education of young European scientist in the field of Magnetism, while promoting networking and create effective links between academics and the industry.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
REPM 2025 — The 28th International Workshop on Rare Earth and Future Permanent Magnets and Their Applications
27 jul 2025 - 31 jul 2025 • Tsukuba, Japon
Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials (CMSM), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
The Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Workshop is a biennial event that focuses on advances in the science and technology of rare earth permanent magnets. It highlights recent developments in the design and implementation of high-performance permanent magnets for energy applications. The workshop will cover both fundamental materials research in academia and developments in industrial applications such as motors, generators, and actuators. It will also address issues of rare earth resources and magnet recycling to assess life cycle sustainability. Fundamental aspects of materials development will also include innovative computational methods such as machine learning and data-driven accelerated materials discovery, novel alloy design approaches, and advanced processing and characterization techniques. Proposals for alternative magnets without rare earth elements are also within the scope.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
28 fév 2025
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Magnonics 2025 — 9th international conference on fundamentals and applications of magnons
28 jul 2025 - 01 aou 2025 • Mallorca, Espagne
The goal of the Magnonics conference is to bring together researchers from academia, industry and national laboratories working in the fields of magnetic materials, classical and quantum magnonic devices, nanomagnetism and spintronics in order to exchange ideas and forge collaborations in the field of magnonics.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
JEMS2025 — The Joint European Magnetic Symposia
31 aou 2025 - 05 sep 2025 • Darmstadt – hybrid, Allemagne
Identifiant de l'évènement:
MMM 2025 — 70th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
27 oct 2025 - 31 oct 2025 • Palm Beach, FL, États-Unis
IEEE Magnetics Society
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Intermag 2026 — IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2026
13 avr 2026 - 17 avr 2026 • Manchester, Royaume-Uni
Sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society
Intermag is the premier conference on applied magnetics and information storage technologies. As a member of the international scientific and engineering communities interested in recent developments in magnetics and associated technologies, please plan to attend the conferences and contribute to one or more of its technical sessions.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
QuSpin 2026 — Quantum Spintronics
03 jui 2026 - 05 jui 2026 • Trondheim, Norvège
SFF QuSpin, Center for Quantum Spintronics - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
22 jui 2026 - 26 jui 2026 • Poznań, Pologne
Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism is a traditional gathering of leading researchers who are active in the field of magnetism with an emphasis on solid-state phenomena. Many distinguished lecturers from all over the world took part in previous editions of this Conference. Our meeting will enable direct contact between scientists from leading research groups all over the world. During this meeting, we will have plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, and poster sessions. Additionally, we will organize a special session for "Young and Brilliant" scientists, which is dedicated to students, Ph.D. students, and recent Ph.D. graduates. All scientific activities aim to create a platform for discussion of discoveries and innovative ideas in the field of magnetism, which will support the development of new technologies in the future.
Strongly Correlated Electrons, Quantum and Classical Spin Systems, Magnetic Structures and Dynamics, Spin Electronics and Magneto-Transport, Nanostructures, Surfaces and Interfaces, Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials,
Identifiant de l'évènement:
QuSpin 2027 — Quantum Spintronics
09 jui 2027 - 11 jui 2027 • Trondheim, Norvège
SFF QuSpin, Center for Quantum Spintronics - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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