Conférences  >  Physique  >  Agrégats, nanomatériaux, graphène et fullerène  >  Chine

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Gordon Research Conference — Topological and Correlated Matter
09 jul 2023 - 14 jul 2023 • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Chine
During the past four years, new phenomena and material systems kept emerging. The artificially designed 2D materials have quickly become an important playground of this field, where correlation and topology are deeply intertwined. In addition to the twisted graphene systems, new topological and strongly correlated states are discovered also in twisted TMD layers recently bringing interesting new problems to the field. Another new territory for the topological and correlated systems is the non-equilibrium systems, where new topological states have been proposed and discovered in non-hermitian and Floquet systems. Impressive progress has also been made in more traditional bulk crystal materials, where new systems with quantum anomalous Hall states and axion insulators have been discovered and topological classification for magnetic crystals has been accomplished. Now, it is time to gather again and share the latest progresses and ideas.
Mapping a Landscape of Novel Unexpected States
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