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FMAP-2024 — Third International Conference on Functional Materials and Applied Physics
18 oct 2024 - 19 oct 2024 • Surat, Inde
Department of Physics, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, India
The conference aims to improve and continue communication among researchers in functional materials and applied physics-related fields. It is anticipated that this conference will provide an outstanding opportunity for exchanging ideas and promote discussion on recent advances in the field of materials & other areas of physical sciences.The scientific deliberations at the conference will cover a wide range of topics on materials & other areas of physical sciences in the form of invited talks, contributory papers, and panel discussions. In addition, there will be presentations by Emerging Young Scientist (EYS) Award nominees.
Tél.: [+919879456531];     Email.:
Nano Materials Optoelectronics Phase Transition, Quantum Fluids, and Solids Photonic Materials & Plasmonics Nano-biophysics Glasses, Ceramics, Polymers & Composites Surface, Interface & Thin Films Superconductivity, Magnetism & Spintronics Thermoelectric Materials Energy Materials 2D Materials Theoretical Sciences Plasma Physics Applied Physics & related field
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