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Plasma Tech 2025 — Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference 2025
23 avr 2025 - 25 avr 2025 • Albufeira, lgarve Region, Portugal
The Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference - Plasma Tech 2025, will highlight both advances in fundamental understanding of processing plasmas and their interactions with matter, and the importance of these interactions in emerging and existing applications.
Atomic and molecular processes in plasmas, Collision cross sections, Fundamentals of low temperature plasmas, Plasma-surface interactions, Catalytic reactions with plasmas, Plasma sources design and characterization, Plasma diagnostics, Modelling and numerical simulations of plasmas and surfaces, Atmospheric/high-pressure plasmas, Plasmas in (contact with) liquids / plasma-liquid interaction, Plasma processing of materials, including etching and deposition, Plasma -deposited protective and tribological coatings, Plasma -deposited coatings for optical, electronical and other functionalities, Plasma application for nanotechnologies, Plasma application for biology, medicine, and agriculture, Plasma application for environmental issues and resource recovery
Identifiant de l'évènement:
EUCAS 2025 — 17th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2025
21 nov 2025 - 25 sep 2025 • Porto, Portugal
EUCAS has been for more than three decades a premier event for the dissemination, discussion, and knowledge exchange of breakthroughs and state-of-the-art developments across the several domains of applied superconductivity. Superconductivity disrupted several scientific and technological applications, such as health, energy, basic research, and high-performance computing, among many others. At EUCAS we seek to explore new approaches, results, and possibilities to expand the impact of superconductivity on the progress of mankind.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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