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ASSPECTRO2024 — International Meeting on Data for Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas: Advances in Standards and Modelling
12 nov 2024 - 15 nov 2024 • Palić, Serbie
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Efficiency of theoretical analysis, synthesis and modeling of various environments, depends on atomic data and their sources. In particular, for the modeling of stellar atmospheres and opacity calculations a large number of atomic data is needed, since we do not know a priori the chemical composition of a stellar atmosphere. The same holds for Earth observations. Consequently, the development of databases with atomic data as well as astro-geoinformatics is important. This meeting will bring together physicists, astro & geophysicists from Serbia and elsewhere to review the present stage of research in this field.
Local Organizing Committee;     Email.:
Modeling the Atmosphere of planets and stars, Big data in Astronomy and Earth Observations, Radiative & Collisional Processes, Stellar and laboratory plasmas.
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