Conferences  >  Physics  >  Complex Systems, Chaos and Self-Organisation  >  France

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TGF2024 — Traffic and Granular Flow 2024
12 Feb 2024 - 12 May 2024 • Lyon, France
Institut Lumière Matière (CNRS / Univ. Lyon 1) and LICIT (Univ. Gustave Eiffel / ENTPE)
The 15th edition of Traffic and Granular Flow (TGF) will be held in Lyon, France, from December 2nd to December 5th 2024. In-person participation will be favoured. The international conference on TGF has been held biennially in different parts of the world since 1995. The conference is specially designed for an interdisciplinary audience working in the area of physics, computer sciences, engineering, granular, vehicular and pedestrian flow. It focuses on giving a global perspective on the latest developments and new ideas in the field of granular flow and urban mobility. The TGF scope will also include data-driven transport modelling, pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, collective animal behaviour, 3D animation, swarm behaviour and collective dynamics of other biological systems. The aim is to accept high-quality papers and make this conference interesting, informative and memorable for all the participants.
Local Organising Committee;     Email:
granular flow, vehicular traffic, pedestrian dynamics, traffic modelling, statistical physics, social psychology, collective animal behaviour
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 15 March 2024