Conferences  >  Physics  >  Particle Accelerators

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Low Energy Community Meeting 2024
07 Aug 2024 - 09 Aug 2024 • Knoxville, TN, United States
University of Tennessee Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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31st World Conference of the INTDS — 31st Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society
18 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024 • Knoxville, TN, United States
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FEL2024 — 41st International Free Electron Laser Conference
19 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024 • Warsaw, Poland
FEL 2024 will focus on recent advances in free electron laser theory and experiments, electron beam, photon beam and undulator technologies, and applications of free electron lasers.
Abstract submission deadline:
19 Apr 2024
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LINAC — 32nd Linear Accelerator Conference
25 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024 • Chicago, IL, United States
LINAC2024 is hosted by Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
LINAC is the main bi-yearly gathering for the world-wide community of linear accelerator experts. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linacs and their applications.
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31st Euroschool on Exotic Beams
25 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024 • Jyväskylä, Finland
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SRI 2024 — 14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
26 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024 • Hamburg, Germany
This 15th SRI conference will again be hosted by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and the European XFEL.
The International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) is a successful conference series continuing for over 40 years, organised by the community of worldwide synchrotron radiation and X-ray free electron laser facilities. The SRI conferences are important for the worldwide community to share key experiences in scientific and technical developments. Having timely access to the latest information and new ideas is of crucial importance for the future development of all light sources, the development of the field as a whole as well as for the economic and political development of participating countries. Along the conference an industry exhibition is scheduled.
International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) is a unique, large and the most significant international forum held every three years in the community of synchrotron radiation (SR) and free electron laser (XFEL).
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EBIST 2024 — The 15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps
27 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024 • Kielce, Poland
Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
The EBIST symposium has been held every three to four years since 1977. The previous two symposia took place on October 23-27, 2018 in Shanghai, China and June 14-17, 2022 in Whistler BC, Canada (it was postponed from June 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions). The goal of EBIST 2024 symposium is to discuss the design, development, applications of electron beam ion sources and traps, and the physics with highly charged ions.
EBIS, EBIT, highly charged ions, atomic spectroscopy
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09 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024 • Milan, Italy
The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) is a European gamma-ray spectrometer used for nuclear structure studies.
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ISNS-24 — International Symposium on Nuclear Science
09 Sep 2024 - 13 Sep 2024 • Sofia, Bulgaria
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DIMER 2024 — Direct measurements of neutron reactions on radionuclides
16 Sep 2024 - 19 Sep 2024 • Santa Fe, NM, United States
Depending on the reaction channel, direct determinations of neutron-induced reaction cross sections on stable and unstable isotopes for energies above 1 keV cross face different challenges. Neutron capture, neutron-induced fission, charged-particle production, elastic and inelastic scatterings are important and of interest for astrophysics and nuclear applications. With the existing neutron beam capabilities, available radioactive isotope productions, and ideas for future facilities, we want to discuss directions and possible solutions for current challenges in an informal and constructive atmosphere. In particular the usage of ion storage rings to investigate neutron-induced reactions will be a focus of the IReNA workshop.
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FAIRness 2024 — 8th Edition Workshop
23 Sep 2024 - 28 Sep 2024 • Seget Donji, Croatia
FAIRness 2024 is the 8th edition in series of workshops designed to bring together excellent international young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR. The topics of the workshop cover a wide range of aspects in both theoretical developments and current experimental status, concentrated around the four scientific pillars of FAIR.
Atomic and plasma physics, biophysics, material sciences and applications, Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions, Physics of hot and dense nuclear matter, QCD phase transitions and critical point, Hadron Spectroscopy, Hadrons in matter and Hypernuclei, Experimental programs APPA, CBM, HADES, NUSTAR, PANDA, as well as related programs at BES, Belle, CERN and the RHIC
Abstract submission deadline:
01 May 2024
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ESSRI 2024 — Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures
25 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024 • Madrid, Spain
The main goal of this event is to identify the challenges, technical and strategical, to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures. This includes sharing experiences on new energy-efficient technologies, energy management at research infrastructures, review how the energy sustainability is faced on the current research projects, analyze life cycle, and discuss about future aims and trends, among other topics. Specific interest will be paid to involve pre-doctoral students into the workshop discussions, to promote the involvement of the young research staff on the event topics.
Energy sustainability, Research infrastructures, Sustainable development, Renewable energy sources, Energy-efficient technologies, Smart grids, Energy storage integration, Circular economy, Life cycle analysis, Collaboration in scientific research, Future aims and trends, particle accelerators, Cryogenics, Magnets, Superconductivity, RadioFrequency devices.
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GANIL Community Meeting
14 Oct 2024 - 16 Oct 2024 • Caen, France
Large Heavy Ion National Accelerator,
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IMoH 2024 — 2nd International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for High Current Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
15 Oct 2024 - 17 Oct 2024 • Leioa, Spain
Neutrons are a unique probe to study the structure and dynamics of matter. The advent of High Currenct Accelerator-driven Neutron Surces (HiCANS) will make access to neutrons easier than today’s sources. With HiCANS, large universities and research centres will be able to host their own neutron sources, gaining independence from large facilities using nuclear reactors or spallation sources.
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SPAS 2024 — Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators 2024
21 Oct 2024 - 24 Oct 2024 • Krakow , Poland
SPAS conference is devoted to the research in the field of superconductivity and its applications to science, with a specific focus on particle accelerators and large scientific infrastructures. The objective of SPAS 2024 is to overview the areas of research in superconductivity and particle accelerators.
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ICNPA -2024 — International Conference on Nuclear Physics and its Applications
21 Oct 2024 - 25 Oct 2024 • Delhi, India
University of Delhi, India
The International Conference on Nuclear Physics and its Applications (ICNPA-2024) will be hosted by the University of Delhi, INDIA, in the historically rich and vibrant city of New Delhi from 21-25 October 2024. The conference's scientific program will be devoted to the latest experimental and theoretical developments in nucleus physics and its applications with a wide range of topics. The conference aims to foster interaction between young researchers and established experts in the field, providing participants with valuable insights into the fundamental principles and practical applications of nuclear physics. We look forward to having five days of interactive discussions, numerous research presentations, and good networking opportunities within the scientific community.
Conference Chair;     Phone: [+91 9999062324];     Email:
Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear Astrophysics, Symmetries in Nuclei, Particle Accelerator, Nuclear Instrumentation, Applied Nuclear Physics
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SSNET'24 Conference — Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory
04 Nov 2024 - 08 Nov 2024 • Orsay, France
The SSNET 2024 Conference hosted by IJCLab in Orsay, France, will be held at the auditorium Pierre Lehmann (building 200 - IJCLab) in November 4-8, 2024. As in the previous editions the conference aims at strengthening the international collaboration between the nuclear structure physicists from France, Europe and other laboratories all around the world. It allows fruitful discussions on recent experimental and theoretical aspects of nuclear structure related to the manifestation and description of the various shapes and geometrical symmetries of the nucleus as well as other symmetries and symmetry breaking.
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Elettra Users Meeting
02 Dec 2024 - 04 Dec 2024 • Trieste , Italy
Elettra-Sincrotrone, Trieste
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ICRAA'4 — International Conference on Radiations And Applications
13 Apr 2025 - 15 Apr 2025 • Alger, Algeria
The fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications (ICRAA'4) is jointly organized by the Faculty of Physics of University of Sciences and Technologies Houari-Boumediene (USTHB) and the Algerian Atomic Energy Commission (COMENA)
After the success of the previous editions (2017, 2019 and 2022) of the International Conference on Radiation and Applications (ICRAA), here we are again for the fourth edition (ICRAA’4), with a great ambition and more challenges. The main goal of ICRAA’4 is to exchange and share the latest research findings in all aspects of radiation physics with their peers from around the world and foster new connections that strengthen research and development activities. Hence, ICRAA'4 will be a great opportunity for the participants to have different issues addressed on radiation physics by recognized experts who are up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
Phone: [+213 5 51774555];     Email:
Radiation, Nuclear Techniques, Detection, Radiological Physics, Medical Physics, Nuclear Reactor, Radiation in Industry, Radiation in Environment
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High energy QCD: from the LHC to the EIC
04 Aug 2025 - 15 Aug 2025 • Benasque , Spain
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
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NAPAC 2025 — North American Particle Accelerator Conference
10 Aug 2025 - 15 Aug 2025 • Sacramento, CA, United States
Join us at the North American Particle Accelerator Conference 2025 (NAPAC 25), the largest domestic event for accelerator science and technology. Held every 18 months, NAPAC gathers hundreds of experts, offering a comprehensive overview of the field. It's an invaluable opportunity for students, post-docs, technicians, and engineers to present their work, gain feedback, and attend mini-courses on relevant topics. Enhance your knowledge, solve technical challenges, and build lasting professional connections with colleagues and vendors in this premier, co-sponsored event by IEEE and the American Physical Society.
Abstract submission deadline:
13 Jul 2025
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1629894 offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 25 July 2024