Conférences  >  Physique  >  Physique appliquée: Rayonnement synchrotron et rayons X, cristallographie  >  Brésil

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SAS 2022 — 18th International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering
11 sep 2022 - 16 sep 2022 • Campinas, Brésil
We are very enthusiastic to present the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) as the new host of the XVIII International Small-Angle Scattering Conference, scheduled to take place in-person at the Royal Palm Plaza, in Campinas, between September 11 and 16, 2022. It is the second time that Brazil has been chosen to host the event, through the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) � the first time happened in 1996, shortly before Brazil�s first synchrotron light source come into operation.. In 2022, Brazil acquires new prominence in the field with the development of Sirius, one of the first fourth generation synchrotron light sources in the world. The XVIII International Small Angle Scattering Conference in 2022 will thus offer a timely opportunity to promote opportune and strong scientific interactions with worldwide researchers, expert in small-angle scattering. The brazilian edition will allow a greater participation of the brazilian cientific community, in continuous growth, strengthening the interaction between researchers and the industry.
Structural biology, Colloids Polymers, Hybrid materials and biomaterials, Soft matter, Self-assembly, Catalysis, Dynamics, Kinetics, In situ and time-resolved, Interfaces and surfaces, Coherent small angle scattering, Combined techniques, Modelling and data analysis , Instrumentation
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