Conférences  >  Physique  >  Mécanique, tribologie et rhéologie  >  Royaume-Uni

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Leeds-Lyon 2025 — Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2025
02 sep 2025 - 04 sep 2025 • University of Leeds, Royaume-Uni
Over five decades, the Leeds-Lyon Symposia have been a platform through which many groundbreaking research achievements have been disseminated, underpinning innovations in all aspects of advanced tribological systems. The experimental, analytical, and computational research tools developed by research groups around the world are now being used to address tribological challenges related to new technologies such as electric vehicles, hydrogen engines, the tribology of materials used in extreme conditions, coatings, biomedical technologies, nanomaterials, lubrication, etc. The 50th Leeds-Lyon Symposium provides us with a great opportunity to review the achievements in the last fifty years of the symposium with the aim of addressing current challenges in tribology and looking into tribology prospects and new challenges of the next fifty years to come.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
39th ECIS Conference (Jointly with UK Colloids 2025).
07 sep 2025 - 12 sep 2025 • Bristol, Royaume-Uni
The annual ECIS conference is the flagship event of the European Colloids and Interface Society (ECIS). Its 39th edition will be jointly held with the 5th UK Colloid Science Conference in the historical city centre of Bristol on 7th-12th September 2025. We envisage that the joint conference will attract more than 700 established and early-career scientists from academia and industry – from UK, EU, US, Australia, China, and further afield across the globe. The conference topics are broad-ranging, from fundamental studies to innovation-oriented research, providing a stimulating platform for the delegates to present and discuss latest multidisciplinary research and applications in the field of colloid and interface science.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
11 avr 2025
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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