Conférences  >  Physique  >  Microscopie  >  Hongrie

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SSRM 2024 — EURASIP - IEEE SPS Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing
29 jul 2024 - 02 aou 2024 • Veszprém, Hongrie
University of Pannonia, University of Szeged, INRIA, HUN-REN Sztaki
The Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing aims to provide a stimulating opportunity for graduate and PhD students interested in image processing. SSRM will be held between 29 July and 2 August 2024, in Veszprém, Hungary, hosted by the University of Pannonia. Participants will benefit from direct interaction with internationally renowned researchers in various fields of image processing and computer vision applied to remote sensing and microscopy as well as from interacting with fellow participants from all over the world. Students will also have the possibility to present their research. In addition to morning lectures, students work on an assignment in international teams, which are then evaluated by a committee of lecturers on the last day. The best works are awarded symbolic prizes. Students will receive a certificate of attending the Summer School and passing the exam, which is recognized as a special PhD course by several universities.
Tél.: [+36 307370404];     Email.:
probabilistic graphical models, CNNs and deep learning, semantic segmentation, object detection, biodiversity tracking, radar remote sensing, aspects of polarization, shape models, multimodal data fusion, marked point process,
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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Dernière mise à jour: 21 juin 2024