Conférences  >  Physique  >  Semi-conducteurs  >  Hongrie

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SEMICONMEET2025 — International Meet & Expo on Semiconductors and Optoelectronics
10 avr 2025 - 12 avr 2025 • Budapest, Hongrie
The event's overarching aim, to set the stage for a dynamic and insightful congress.SEMICONMEET2025 stands out as a premier interdisciplinary platform that brings together a diverse spectrum of professionals, including scientists, researchers, nanotechnologists, chemists, physicists, practitioners, industry leaders, and educators. The convergence of these varied perspectives is intended to spark discussions, catalyze collaborations, and push the boundaries of knowledge in Semiconductors and Optoelectronics. Participants can anticipate a deep dive into the latest innovations, robust discussions on emerging trends, problem-solving sessions addressing practical challenges, and exploration of cutting-edge solutions within the expansive field of Semiconductors and Optoelectronics.
Semiconductors, Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, Optical Properties of Heterostructures, III-V Compound Semiconductors, Graphene-Based Electronics, Physics of Semiconductors, Semiconductor Photodetectors, 2D Materials, Photonic Integrated Circuits, RF and Analogue Integrated Circuits, Sensors, Photo Electric effect, Topological Insulators, Laser Applications in Semiconductors, Artificial Intelligence in Semiconductor Design, Semiconductor Nanomaterials, Organic Semiconductors, Organic Optoelectronics, Compound Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Photons, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductor, Silicon Photonics, Semiconductors and Electrical Conductivity, Semiconductor Materials and Technology, Transport in Heterostructures, Nitride Semiconductors and Organic Semiconductors, Electronic Band Structures, Van der Waals Heterostructures, Biocompatible Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Wide Bandgap and Narrow-Bandgap Semiconductors, Magneto-Optical Effects, Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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