Conférences  >  Physique  >  Astronomie, astrophysique et cosmologie  >  Pologne

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Galactic and extragalactic X-ray transients, theory and observational perspectives
09 sep 2024 - 11 sep 2024 • Varsovie, Pologne
Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Theoretical studies have shown that the multi-wavelength emission of the nuclei of active galaxies, stellar mass black hole and neutron star binaries is fueled by their accretion disks. The accretion process may be not stationary, and the accretion history as well as geometric structure of the infalling matter are not well understood. Importantly, the magnetic fields must play a key role in sustaining the accretion flows. While we have progressed in understanding many of these phenomena, there are recent observations and new models that drive our understanding in new directions. They are related either to the instabilities in the innermost part of the disk or to the sudden interaction of circumnuclear stars with the central black hole and the disk. Processes close to the black hole also allow testing of General Relativity in a strong field regime.
Quasi periodic eruptions in accreting black holes, Tidal disruption events, Changing activity of supermassive black holes, Fast variability of Galactic X-ray sources, Accretion instabilities and gravitational waves from black hole and neutron star binaries, Testing General Relativity with supermassive black holes
Identifiant de l'évènement:
LRT2024 — Low Radioactivity Techniques / Workshop IX
01 oct 2024 - 04 oct 2024 • Cracovie, Pologne
Jagiellonian University
The Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) workshop series examines topics in low-radioactivity materials and techniques that are fundamental for quantum information science and rare-event searches, including dark matter, solar neutrinos, double-beta decay, long half-life phenomena and nuclear astrophysics. The workshop features updates from underground laboratories around the globe as well as the latest information regarding all aspects of low background detectors, techniques and assay programs in addition to recent developments in advanced machining and 3D printing using ultra-pure materials.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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