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fppsc2023 — Future prospects of perovskite based solar cells: Low carbon energy conversion through advanced functional materials
14 mai 2023 - 21 mai 2023 • Khiva, Ouzbékistan
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
The Summer School will be a forum to discuss in particular recent advances, problems and prospects for engineering commercially effective and sustainable perovskite solar technology. Therefore, aside from fundamental scientific issues, the practical implementation of PSCs in the renewable energy sector will also be addressed in the lectures and short talks to be presented to the auditorium of the School.
Conference Secretary;     Email.:
Metal halide perovskite solar cells; Tandem and multi-absorber solar cells; Electron and hole transport materials, contacts, electrode materials; Exciton diffusion, charge carrier generation, transport, and recombination; Interface phenomena and interface engineering; Structure/processing/property interrelationships; Encapsulation, stability, lifetime, and reliability; The role of defects and defect management; Multiscale modeling of perovskite solar cells; Technological challenges for building integration and commercialization; Non-fullerene acceptor organic photovoltaics; Durability and degradation of photovoltaic materials.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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