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SSI2024 — SLAC Summer Institute 2024 / The Art of Precision: Calculations & Measurements
05 Aug 2024 - 16 Aug 2024 • Menlo Park, California, United States
SLAC Summer Institute Committee
The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual two-week-long Summer School tradition since 1973. The theme of the 52st SLAC Summer Institute is “The Art of Precision: Calculations & Measurements”. Precision measurements and theoretical predictions are often critical to illuminating the physics governing the universe we live in. Comparing a precise measurement with a precise prediction is a window to new physics, often at energy scales beyond what can otherwise be probed. Similarly, pushing the precision and sensitivity of searches for new phenomenon opens new avenues for direct discoveries. The lectures at the 52nd SLAC Summer Institute in 2024 will discuss the many ways that precision plays a key role in our attempts to better understand the fundamental workings of our universe. The Institute lectures are primarily aimed at senior graduate students and postdocs. Presentation of topical results, participant projects, Q&A sessions, poster sessions, and social events supplement the lectures to create an invigorating environment for all participants. Please connect with SSI on Facebook:
SSI Committee;     Phone: [650-926-4482];     Email:
Theory, HEP, Experiment, Precision, Calculations, Measurements
Event listing ID:
APS Joint March Meeting and April Meeting
16 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025 • Anaheim, CA, United States
American Physical Society (APS)
Event listing ID:
APS March Meeting 2026
16 Mar 2026 - 20 Mar 2026 • Denver, CO, United States
American Physical Society (APS)
Event listing ID:
1536044 offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 25 June 2024