Conférences  >  Physique  >  Physique appliquée: Diffraction de neutrons  >  France

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ILL4 — ILL and ESRF International Summer Programme on Neutron and X-Ray Science for undergraduate students 2024
01 sep 2024 - 28 sep 2024 • Grenoble, France
2024 ILL ESS User Meeting
10 dec 2024 - 11 dec 2024 • Grenoble, France
European Spallation Source
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Flipper 2024
11 dec 2024 - 13 dec 2024 • Grenoble, France
To continue to spread the interest in polarized-neutron diffraction amongst the physics, chemistry, material science and biology scientific communities, a three-day International Workshop on Single-Crystal Diffraction with Polarized Neutrons will be held at the ILL in Grenoble on 11th-13th December 2024. The workshop will focus on the application of half-polarized and polarization-analysis neutron methods to fundamental research and to functional research in areas with a strong societal impact, probing length scales from the atomic to mesoscopic in crystalline solids with a focus on multiferroic, topological, superconducting and other smart materials. The workshop aims to complement the broader scope offered by the biennial PNCMI, and will be run as a satellite to the ILL/ESS User Meeting, also in Grenoble.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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Dernière mise à jour: 4 août 2024