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QCHSC 2024 — The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference
19 Aug 2024 - 24 Aug 2024 • Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Organised by the CSSM (University of Adelaide)
The aim of the conference is to bring together people working on strong interactions from different approaches, ranging from lattice QCD to perturbative QCD, from models of the QCD vacuum to QCD phenomenology and experiments, from effective theories to physics beyond the Standard Model. The scope of the conference also includes the interface between QCD, nuclear physics and astrophysics, and the wider landscape of strongly coupled physics. In particular, the conference will focus on the fruitful interactions and mutual benefits between QCD and the physics of condensed matter and strongly correlated systems.
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 7 April 2024