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My Favourite Dark Matter Model
14 Apr 2025 - 17 Apr 2025 • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
University of the Azores
Dark matter is a long outstanding problem in modern astrophysics and one of the biggest mysteries physicists are currently struggling to understand. Its presence throughout the Universe is inferred by its gravitational effects on normal matter. Physicists have taken different paths to approach this problem. One of the leading lines of research is to look for new matter in the form of yet unknown particles. However, a promising avenue of research is to consider modifications of General Relativity, such as the presence of higher order curvature terms which seems to provide us with an elegant geometric interpretation of the dark matter problem. This workshop has the goal of bringing together researchers, both from theory and experiment, with different views on the dark matter issue, to be presented during the talks and discussed throughout the breaks. Hopefully we may all learn from each other and foster new ideas into understanding the perplexing nature of the dynamics of the Universe and of gravity itself.
Dark Matter, Gravitation, Cosmology, Particles, Particle Physics, Observations
Event listing ID:
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