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School — Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation – 2025
17 Mar 2025 - 28 Mar 2025 • Firenze , Italy
Galileo Galilei Institute For Theoretical Physics
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An Extraordinary Journey Into The Transient Sky: from restless progenitor stars to explosive multi-messenger signals
01 Apr 2025 - 04 Apr 2025 • Padova, Italy
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Supernovae play a key role in various issues in modern astronomy and cosmology. Current surveys have given an enormous boost to the study of transients and supernovae in particular, and it is essential to discuss the state-of-the-art before entering a golden age of the study of the transient Universe. Thanks to the synoptic surveys that will monitor every night the entire visible sky, from optical to radio, and the new-generation instrumentation that will make it possible to observe all the messengers associated with supernova explosions, from photons to neutrinos, from high-energy particles to gravitational waves, it will finally be possible to have both a statistically significant sample of events and a very detailed overview of individual events.

The study of supernovae in the Italian scientific community began in the 1960s with the work of Leonida Rosino and Roberto Barbon and subsequently received a great impulse thanks to Enrico Cappellaro, Massimo Della Valle, Laura Greggio and Massimo Turatto, who studied in Padua in the same years. With this international conference, we intend to celebrate their retirement by recalling their important contribution to the study of supernovae and discussing the still open challenges that we are ready to take up.

Reviewing the trajectory of our honorees, we will touch on topics such as the progenitors of supernovae, the search for supernovae and their rates, the supernova class zoo, supernovae in connection with gamma-ray bursts, and supernova observations in the age of multi-messenger Astronomy.

Supernova, transients, multi-wavelength, multi-messenger, observations
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From Asymtptotic Symmetries to Flat Holography: Theoretical Aspects and Observable Consequences
19 May 2025 - 20 Jun 2025 • Firenze , Italy
Galileo Galilei Institute
Gravity and gauge theories share a rich infrared physics whose universal features manifest themselves in the context of asymptotic symmetries and their Noether charges. They clarify the soft factorization properties of scattering amplitudes, they play a role in the phenomenology of gravitational waves, and enter in the identification of new observable effects including gravitational and color memories. From the perspective of quantum gravity, they introduce new tools to understand the structure of the Hilbert space, and bring about a novel and promising approach to investigate a holographic principle for asymptotically flat spacetimes, currently pursued along two related lines: celestial and Carrollian holography. The latter exploits the Carroll structure at null infinity while the former takes advantage of powerful toolkit of conformal field theory. The vast majority of these developments have taken place in the last ten years and gave rise to research lines currently undergoing a fast growth. The proposed workshop aims at exploiting this rich and timely topic to bring together experts from all over the world, together with young researchers and students, with the goal to provide training, share results, build common grounds and foster new collaborations.
Asymptotic symmetries; Celestial holography; Carroll physics and geometry; Twistor methods; Gravitational observables; Memory effects; Conformal colliders
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ASES5 — 5th Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
26 May 2025 - 30 May 2025 • Vietri sul Mare, Italy
The 5th Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science will be held in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy from 26 to 30 May, 2025. The School - taking place close to the enchanting Amalfi Coast - is aimed to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art picture of a variety of relevant aspects of the fast-developing, highly interdisciplinary field of Exoplanet research. The Lecture topics of the 5th edition of the School will be focused on the Physical and Dynamical Processes of Exoplanetary Systems, mainly covering the theoretical aspects. The Lectures will be delivered by five senior researchers to an audience of graduate students and young post-docs.
Phone: [+39 06 7259 4566];     Email:
The following key topics will be covered: Physical Processes in Protoplanetary Disks Dynamical Evolution of Exoplanetary Systems Exoplanet Interiors - from Gas Giants to Terrestrial Planets Modeling Exoplanet Atmospheres Planet Formation Models
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New Physics from Galaxy Clustering at GGI
25 Aug 2025 - 03 Nov 2025 • Firenze , Italy
Galileo Galilei Institute
This workshop aims at catalyzing the joint efforts of particle physicists and cosmologists towards the exploration of new physics with large cosmological datasets. The workshop is structured to encompass three thematic weeks dedicated to model building and testing fundamental physics in cosmology, developing novel theoretical tools to search for new physics in cosmological observables, and discussing the potential of next generation experiments to probe the plethora of new physics signals. A symposium with summary talks will conclude the workshop. A concurrent school is planned, with the aim of addressing the evolving landscape of this new field and helping participants catch up with recent developments and novel tools. An important feature of the workshop is a designated focus week, devoted to the initiation of a much-needed community white paper, summarizing the new and well-motivated particle physics models that can be tested in cosmology in the light of upcoming data and planned future experiments. The workshop nicely aligns with the expected data releases from DESI and Euclid.
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New Avenues for Classical and Quantum Cosmology
01 Sep 2025 - 05 Sep 2025 • Camerino, Italy
University of Camerino
The conference ‘Astrophysics in Le Marche 2’ will convene leading experts to discuss the latest advancements in multimessenger astrophysics and precision cosmology, including both theoretical and observational aspects. This event aims to provide a comprehensive international overview of the most recent findings, fostering collaboration and inspiring new directions in the study of the entire universe.
Cosmology, Astronomy, Particle physics, Astroparticles, Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, early universe, Black Holes, Cosmological tensions, Gravitation Theories, Quantum Cosmology, Thermodynamics, Accreation Disks
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Last updated: 27 February 2025