Conférences  >  Physique  >  Physique des hautes énergies, des particules et des champs  >  États-Unis

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What is Particle Theory?
06 jan 2025 - 11 avr 2025 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara
The 21st century has seen tremendous progress towards understanding the elementary constituents of matter, the forces that bind them, and the organizing principles that unite them. Concerted experimental and theoretical efforts have culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson and the observation of gravitational waves, while also excluding countless proposed new phenomena. Today the central questions of particle physics are sharper than ever – from the nature of dark matter and dark energy, to the patterns of flavor and unification, to the origin of mass and the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking -- but answering them will require both the energetic synthesis of existing methods and the genesis of entirely new ones.
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Generalized Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory: High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter, and Quantum Gravity
10 mar 2025 - 09 mai 2025 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara
Generalized symmetries have recently emerged as a unifying theme in high energy theory, phenomenology, condensed matter physics, mathematics, and quantum gravity. This field has witnessed a literal explosion of new results within all these different areas. This program will bring together experts from this diverse set of fields, to first consolidate recent progress and more importantly, to find common ground to explore, across disciplines, the exciting physical implications of generalized symmetries. To date, the isolated development has led to several related concepts being developed independently, in different contexts and without much cross-interaction. The program aims to consolidate these divergent approaches and foster interactions between researchers in high energy, condensed matter physics and mathematics, hopefully identifying synergies that drive future joint developments. Due to the truly interdisciplinary character of this subject, this program will convene scientists to discuss 1. Generalized Symmetries: hep-th meets cond-mat 2. Non-Invertible Symmetries 3. Topological Order 4. Generalized Symmetries in String Theory, Holography and Quantum Gravity 5. Phenomenological Applications, and, 6. Mathematics, in particular Higher Category Theory.
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Generalized Symmetries: High-Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematics
07 avr 2025 - 10 avr 2025 • Santa Barbara, États-Unis
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Over the past ten years tremendous progress has been achieved in quantum field theory thanks to the realization that symmetries can be interpreted in terms of the action of topological defects on the space of operators. This gives a generalization of the notion of symmetries, explicitly realized in many instances exploiting Lagrangian field theory techniques, uncovering a rich and unexpected landscape of physical effects in condensed matter, high energy physics, and quantum gravity. This conference will bring together the major experts in the subject, and strives to be an opportunity for participants to quickly get up to speed with the most recent advances and open problems in the field.
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Summer School — Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory 2025
09 jui 2025 - 13 jui 2025 • University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, États-Unis
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst will host its fourth annual summer school on Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory during the week of June 9 - 13, 2025. The aim of the workshop is to introduce young researchers on the boundary between mathematics and physics to recent ideas in classical and quantum field theory using notions from complex geometry and algebraic topology. This year there is a focus on 4d gauge theories and their relationship with representation theory, algebraic geometry, and topology. The target audience of the workshop is advanced graduate students and post-docs, from both mathematics and theoretical physics. The schedule will be designed to include a large amount of time for participants to interact. We hope especially to encourage conversations between mathematicians and physicists.
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