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Data exports

Exporting the abstracts

Excel and CSV
  • First option: export all abstracts
    Go to Exports / Submissions / Export to CSV or Excel / All submitted abstracts and click on one of the links to export all the abstracts found on the site, either to Excel or CSV.
  • Second option: export a subset of the abstracts
    Go to Submissions & reviews / Abstract selection / Accept or reject submission / 2. Accept, reject submissions one by one. This page displays a list of submissions which is used to select and classify abstracts and papers. At the top of the list, you will find several export links, including links to export the abstracts to Excel. The records selected for exports are defined by the filter at the top of the page. If the filter is cleared, all abstracts are exported. After setting the filter, you should be able to export any subset of the records, for instance, all accepted abstracts, or all accepted posters, etc.
HTML and MS-Word
  • First option: export the abstracts in various sorting orders
    With the option, you can export either all abstracts, or all accepted abstracts, to either HTML or MS-Word. You will be able to choose the order of the abstracts. Go to Agenda & proceedings / Book of abstracts (independent of the agenda) / Export the book of abstracts / 3. Export the abstracts in the desired order. You will be presented with a series of download links corresponding to the available formats (HTML or MS-Word), the selection of abstracts (all or accepted) and the desired order (e.g. presenters' name, submission ID, preferred type of presentation and by presenter name etc).
  • Second option: export a subset of the abstracts
    Go to Submissions & reviews / Abstract selection / Accept or reject submission / 2. Accept, reject submissions one by one and find the export link to HTML: For selected records: Export submissions: [xlsx] [HTML] [MS-Word] . Clicking on the link will export filtered abstracts to a single HTML document. Before the export, you can set the filter to select the needed abstracts at 1. Select the submissions .

To be continued...
Last updated: 20 June 2024

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