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Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts are files that are collected at the time of the submission of the abstract. An upload button is added to the submission form, allowing submitters to create their abstract and upload the file in one step.

You can activate, configure and manage the upload of extended abstracts as follows:

Activate the feature

  • To activate and configure the upload of extended abstracts, go to Configuration / Submissions / Options for the submission process / Allow the upload of extended abstracts.

Configure the uploads

  • Once you activate the function, you can set size limits and file extensions constraints on the files.

Display the upload button on the submission form

  • You can control access to the upload button by setting dates of availability.
  • Within the availability period, an upload button will be displayed on the submission form.
  • The appearance of the upload button on the submission form can be configured at Configuration / Submissions / Submission form / 1. Configure the form / 212 Extended abstract / Edit. You can position the button on the form, modify its label, add explanations and decide whether the upload should be optional or mandatory.

Download all or some of the extended abstracts

  • To download all the extended abstracts as a zipped file, go to Exports / Submissions / Download uploaded files / Download [extended abstracts].
  • You can download all or a subset of the extended abstracts as a zip at Submissions & reviews> Accept or reject submissions / 2. Individual assignments... / For selected records: Download: [extended abstracts].
  • Prior to the download, you can use the filter, at the top of the page to select the extended abstracts to include in the zip file. Clearing the filter will select all the extended abstracts.
Last updated: 20 June 2024