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Set reviewers' access permissions

Before inviting the reviewers to start their reviews, make sure that the reviews are accessible.

Locate the function

Go to Configuration / Access rights / Access to functions & deadlines

Select the appropriate time zone

At the top of the page, at 1. Time zone.

Set permissions on the review functions

Go to the Reviews section and check the various options. Each option describes a function and lets you activate or deactivate access to it. If the function is activated, you can restrict access to a period of availability, which can be made to correspond with your deadlines.

Check the setup

  • You can check that the reviews are accessible by accessing a reviewer's account at Participants / View, edit users data.
  • Use the Function component of the filter to select the reviewers, then pick a reviewer in the list and access their account by clicking on the link labelled Access this account. Go to their reviews page and check that the reviews are listed.
Last updated: 19 August 2024