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Sanitize the submissions before printing

If you need to edit abstracts before sending them to the printer, you can use the editor function to distribute the editing tasks. The first step is to assign the editor function to the users who will perform the edits; the second is to assign submissions to the editors. You can then send an email to the editors, to invite them to start their tasks.

Assign the editor function

  • Go to Participants / Assign functions to users and assign the editor function to all the users who will be editing the abstracts.
  • A new tab, labelled Editing tasks will be displayed on the editors' accounts. This tab will give access to the list of submissions assigned to these users for editing.

Assign submissions to the editors

  • Go to Submissions & reviews / Editing of the abstracts / Assign edit tasks.
  • On that page, you will be able to assign submissions to the editors, either automatically, or manually. Only one editor can be assigned to a given submission.
  • The automatic function will distribute the tasks at random, but evenly among the editors.
  • The manual assignment lists both the submissions and the editors as a matrix of radio buttons.
  • An overview table of assignments is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Send emails to the editors

  • Go to Emails / Bulk emails / Editors.
  • This page contains several templates that target the editors. You can send an email inviting them to start their editing tasks, as well as a reminder of the deadline.

Monitor progress

  • Go to submissions & reviews / Progress tracking / Edit tasks.
  • This page displays the status of the tasks for all the editors.
Last updated: 20 June 2024