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Permissions to access a payment form

Locate the functions

  • Go to Configuration / bookings & payments / Form 1 [Conference registration] / 2. Form access.
  • Make sure that the payment form is active, in section 1. Otherwise, the form will not be accessible, no matter what permissions you set.
  • Section 2 contains several functions, which allow you to:
    - define the users allowed access,
    - to set deadlines on this access,
    - to prevent editing of the form, if relevant. In this case, allowed users can view their order and download an invoice or a receipt, but they cannot edit the form.
Users' access to a payment form

Allow access to all users

The figure below shows how to set the permissions so that all users can access the form.
Permit all users to access a payment form

Allow access to accepted users only

If you are using the function that flags users for participation, by setting an "Accepted" or "Will participate" status to the users, you can ensure that only users selected with this function can access the form.
Permit accepted users to access a payment form

Allow access to a small list of users, for testing

  • Payment forms are often set up at a later stage than the submissions. When this happens, the configuration of the payment module occurs on a live site that is already accessed by the participants. You can restrict access to administrators or other users involved in the setup, so that they can access the forms on their accounts to view it and simulate payments in test mode. Once the tests are completed and you decide to go live, you can lift this restriction and allow all, or accepted users, as described above, to access the form.
  • The restriction to a select number of users is shown in the figure below. General access to the form must be disabled, while the list of authorised users, identified by their user-ids, must be provided. This list can be modified at will, but should be erased when going live. In this example, only users 1,2, 7, 8 an 9 will be able to have access.
Permit particular users to access a payment form

Set time limits on the availability of the form

  • Access to the form can be further restricted by setting time limits, as shown in the figure below.
  • These can be made to correspond with your deadlines and can take your time zone into account.
  • If you prefer not to impose deadlines, make sure that the time limits are set to start in the past and end after the event.
Define an availability period for a payment form
Last updated: 19 August 2024