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Access permissions

Locate the functions

Go to Configuration / Access rights / Access to functions & deadlines

Select the appropriate time zone

At the top of the page, at 1. Time zone.

Set permissions on functions accessed after login

Go to 3. Accounts and check the various options. Each option describes a function and lets you activate or deactivate access to it. If the function is activated, you can restrict access to a period of availability, which can be made to correspond with your deadlines.

Allow delegates and submitters to log in
When this function is deactivated, only administrators are able to log in. The following message is given to unprivileged users who attempt to log in: Logins are currently reserved for administrators of the system.
Allow users to edit their own profile
If this function is deactivated, users can view their profile, but cannot modify it.
Additional forms / Upload buttons
You can also set permissions to access and use the custom forms, as well as the upload buttons.

Activate / deactivate the account creation form

  • This form is located on the login page and can be accessed by all. Deactivate it to prevent the creation of new accounts.
  • To activate or deactivate the form, go to 2. Access to the forms on the login page / Activate the account creation form
Last updated: 20 June 2024