On this page
You can activate, configure and manage the upload of speakers' presentations as follows:
Activate the upload of presentations
- To activate and configure the presentation upload function, go to Configuration / Submissions / Options for the submission process / Allow the upload of presentations. You will be able to specify the allowed file types (e.g. "pdf pptx") and set deadlines, if needed.

Set permissions for users' access
- The upload button is displayed on the users' submision page. Make sure that the page is accessible, by setting the right permissions at Configuration / Access rights / Access to functions & deadlines / Allow access to the submissions page.
- Make sure that the users can log in, access the submissions page and access the upload button, as shown in Fig. 2.
- All users will be able to access the submissions page, but the upload button will only be displayed for accepted submissions.

Check the setup
- You can check that the upload button is accessible by the users by logging in to one or two accounts at Participants / View edit user data.
- You can use the filter above the list, to select a user with an accepted abstract and another with a rejected one, then access their accounts to check that the setup is correct.

Invite the users to upload
- To send an invitation email to authors of accepted submissions, you can use the template at Emails / Bulk emails / Authors of submissions / 2. Email to all authors of accepted papers. This email contains a default text that can be edited. After saving your modifications, preview the emails and send them out.
- If you need to send an invitation email to any other group of users or to a single user, use the email at Emails / Bulk emails / Hand-picked users. A filter is provided to select the recipients of the email. The text of the email can be edited and previewed.
View and manage the presentations in the admin area
- To view the uploads, go to Agenda & proceedings / Presentations / Review uploaded presentations.
- You will be able to upload or reupload presentations on behalf of the presenters.

Download the presentations
- To download all the presentations as a zipped file, go to Exports / Submissions / Download uploaded files / Download [Presentations].
- You can download all or a subset of the presentations as a zip at Submissions & reviews / Accept or reject submissions / 2. Individual assignments... / For selected records: Download: [Presentations].
- Prior to the download, you can use the filter, at the top of the page to select the presentations to include in the zip file. Clearing the filter will select all the presentations.
Insert the presentations in the agenda / remove the presentations
- To insert the presentations, go to Agenda & proceedings / Agenda / Export options, activate the insertion of presentations and recreate the agenda (button in the bottom left corner).
- Deactivate the insertion of the presentations and recreate the agenda to remove the presentations from the agenda.