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Set up a survey form

After the conference, you might want to collect feedback from participants. The following is a step by step guide to configuring a questionnaire and collecting the data.

Please note: As an option, it is possible to anonymize the questionnaires. This means that the data that are exported will not contain the names and other details identifying the users. Please contact COMS, prior to the setup, to activate this feature.

Activate the survey form

Go to Configuration / Additional forms and access one of the first two forms. Activate the form at Activate the form and related functions.

Configure the form

On that same page, visit the five sections under the activation function:

Name the tab used to access the questionnaire on users' accounts.

Name the form.

Write instructions that will be displayed above the form.

Form access

Activate the access tab on users' accounts.

Allow edits.

Edit the form

This section lists the fields / questions included on the form.

At first, the form is empty, but as soon as fields are added to it, they can be edited in this section.

Add an item to the form

Create the fields (edit boxes, check boxes, radio buttons etc.).

View the form in its current state

The form you have just configured can be viewed at the bottom of the page.

Configure a feedback email

When users save their input on the questionnaire form, it is possible to send them a thank you email.

To activate and edit the thank you email, go to Emails / Automatic mail / Send an email to users who save the questionnaire form.

Import the users

This step is only relevant if you need to import the users who will be invited to fill in the survey form.

Please go to Participants / Accounts / Create multiple accounts to upload the users.

Invite participants to fill in the questionnaire

Select an email template
Go to Emails / Bulk emails and select a template that targets the appropriate users. Examples:

All system users will select all the users registered in the system,

Conference participants / Free-style email to accepted applicants will select users who have been flagged as accepted for conference participation,

Conference participants / Inform/remind participants of the need to fill in the Questionnaire form to select all non-rejected users,

Hand-picked users can be used if a specific group of recipients needs to be filtered.

Edit the template

When editing the template, you can use the <quest-direct-access-url> placehoder to allow users to access the questionnaire tab directly,  without having to log in.

When the emails are sent out, the placeholder will be replaced by a URL that contains the user's log in details.

Clicking on this link in the email will take them directly to the form.

Save, preview test and send the emails

After saving the text of the template, please check the preview before sending the emails, to ensure that the placeholder is replaced correctly.

The access URL should look like this:

The URL bit, on the right, contains login details and will be different for each user.

When the recipients click on this link, they will access the questionnaire directly, without having to log in. It is recommended that the email be tested first by sending it to your own account. You will be able to check that clicking the link leads you to the questionnaire.

Export the data

Go to Export data / Questionnaire to export the data to Excel or HTML.

If you have labelled the tab to something else than Questionnaire, look for the given label: Export data / Tab label.

Last updated: 19 August 2024