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Send invitations and reminders to the reviewers

There are two options for notifying reviewers of their newly assigned tasks. One is used when the review process starts after the end of the submission period. The other is used when the assignments are performed gradually, during or after the submission period.

Case 1: reviews are assigned after the submission period

  • Once all the reviews have been allocated, you can send an email to all the reviewers, to invite them to start their reviews.
  • Before sending the emails, make sure that the reviews are accessible to the reviewers. First, go to Configuration / Access rights / Access to functions & deadlines / Reviews / Allow reviewers to access their reviews and make sure that the permissions are set correctly. You can set a period of availability, to coincide with your deadlines.
  • Go to Emails / Bulk emails / Reviewers / Inform all reviewers about their task assignments to find the email template used to inform the reviewers of their allocated tasks.
  • Edit the text of the email, if needed and save its content. Use the preview button to check the emails and the list of recipients. Finally, send the emails.

Case 2: reviews are assigned as soon as submissions are created

  • In this case, emails are sent automatically to the reviewers, each time review assignments are saved.
  • The emails sent out in response to the assignments can be edited at Emails / Automatic emails / Send an automatic email to a reviewer as soon as a review is assigned to that reviewer. This email template contains a text that informs the recipient of the new assignments. It contains a placeholder, {list_of_assigned_submissions}, that will be replaced by the titles of the assigned abstracts or papers. This placeholder should not be removed.
  • When you save a set of assignments, each affected reviewer receives an instance of this email listing all the submissions just assigned.
  • If you unassign a review, a notification email is also sent out, to inform the reviewer of the change. The template for this email can be found at Emails / Automatic emails / Send an automatic email to inform a reviewer that an existing assignment has been removed.

Send a reminder that the deadline for completing reviews is approaching

Go to Emails / Bulk emails / Reviewers / Reminder email to all reviewers: deadline is approaching, edit the template, preview it and send it out.
Last updated: 20 June 2024